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I've posted about this guy before, we had an LDR for 2 months then he broke up with me and we had NC for 2 months till one day he decided to contact me asking how I am. I answered him back and we talked for an hour like we were still together.

Then a week later he contacted me again asking if we could IM eachother that day, so I said ok but I'd be out until a certain time and he said great let me know when you can so I did and I heard nothing more from him and this was 3 days ago.

I feel so stupid cos I had completely moved on with my life and now he's brought it all back up again. I don't know if he was considering getting back with me and changed his mind or he just genuinely wanted to chat, I can't figure out why he'd go to the trouble of contacting me in the first place.

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I just want to say i know you pain , the same thing has happened to me I felt the same way u do . It hurts especially when still love them and they had broken up with you. and to confuse us all over again ! Hang in there I wish i had something to say to sooth your pain !

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It's now a few days later and he sent an text to apologise for not getting back to me sooner but still isn't making any conversation to get me to reply. I don't get his thinking behind contacting me after all this time, if he wants to talk to me why doesn't he make conversation? or else just leave me alone. Does he want me to chase after him or something? (as if I would!) I'm so confused, can anyone suggest any reasoning behind this?

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i was in a similar situation as you, if yall broken up for 2 months and had NC for 2 months i dont understand why you even started talking to this guy in the first place. was you that wanted to break up or was it his idea? if i were you i wouldn't waste your time like this, if he cant find anything better to do and to bring up what you two had before then he's wasting his time and your time, if i were you i'd move on and just block his emails, phone calls, etc....... bc if you two keep talking to each other like this its going to hurt you both. As i suggested move on with your with your life and try dating again, block him if you can and if he still wanted to get a hold of you, then you need to be the strong one and not let it happen when its over its over and there is nothing to do about it. if he wants to keep going away and coming back and bringing up what yall had before i'm sorry to say its a waste of time. so dont let it get to you. if they cant move on thats their problem not yours. i hope this helps.

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The thing is it was him that broke up with me and from that moment I cut off all contact with him and then 2 months later out of the blue he contacted me. That's what I don't get, he never had to speak to me again so why does he want me in his life again now? Being realistic if he had somebody new in his life he wouldn't be texting me for chats. I would like to try and work things out with him but I don't know if that's what he wants. Should I ask him or would I be setting myself up for a fall? He never said he wanted to be friends (he just talks away as if nothing has happened) but never brings up our relationship either.

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You could try:

Asking him point blank why he is contacting you after all this time.


The next time he txts or calls or whatever: just ask.


If he has a stupid answer like 'umm, i dunno, just wanted to chat':

Bad sign.

He has some intent in contacting you: make him own it.


I do not understand why you are even considering taking him back; but that is your choice.


good luck

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