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What i have learned from relationships

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If you were too needy and clingy into a relationship, yes, that will drive a woman away, but not because she doesn't want love and a strong relationship, it was because she doesn't want a needy clingy desperate guy, she wants a stand up alpha male.


I couldnt agree more, even though i myself am i needy n clingy person. Then again, if she loved him enough then him being needly and clingy shouldnt push her away. If i woke up one morning and all of a sudden my bf turned extermely needly and clingy, i could never break up with him. To me it would just mean i may not be giving him enough time or attention and that i should try harder to fullfill his needs. Then again, thats just me and how i would see it

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I couldnt agree more, even though i myself am i needy n clingy person. Then again, if she loved him enough then him being needly and clingy shouldnt push her away. If i woke up one morning and all of a sudden my bf turned extermely needly and clingy, i could never break up with him. To me it would just mean i may not be giving him enough time or attention and that i should try harder to fullfill his needs. Then again, thats just me and how i would see it


I've found someone too needy and clingy can be irritating but so can someone who's very independent. It has to be right for you. I think most girls would find me too needy, especially younger ones, as I'm on the clingy side of average.

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I've noticed that theres never, or hardly ever two needy and clingy people together. Theres always one whos the compelete opposite of the other. (eg. one would be the needy one whos always calling etc while the other ones laid back and doesnt really care of they speak for the next few days or not)

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I've noticed that theres never, or hardly ever two needy and clingy people together. Theres always one whos the compelete opposite of the other. (eg. one would be the needy one whos always calling etc while the other ones laid back and doesnt really care of they speak for the next few days or not)


I'd say for the first 15 years of our marriage, we were both clingy, although my wife was more so. For the last 2 years, the balance has shifted the other way and I don't feel so happy. My problem was that the change wasn't gradual, it happened almost overnight. I've still not fully come to terms with it and regret the fact I never kept up with friends enough.

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You know that at my age I can pretty much say "Been There Done That!", but in retrospect I am amazed at how many problems over the years haven't changed so much! The only reason I ever found this place was because I felt lonely one day and love to talk to people. Since I am so verbal and honest, I can say that (and have said many times before) is that life shouldn't be such a tradgety!!! I used to be very clingy to my second husband, until one day he said he couldn't be "My Everything!!!" Wow! Like that wasn't a wakeup call?!! I Love him completely, but now focus on hobbies and other interests in life because I do feel secure with him even in current disappointments. It's ok to have friends of both sexes if you are that secure in your relationship and as long as you tell each other everything, there should never be a problem. Everybody get's lonely or feels misunderstood from time to time. You might want to seek out a girl that is willing to talk about stuff or "issues" and just be a lending ear. Geeeeeeeesh! You're on this site, so guess that qualifies! The best advice I can give you is to alway's be "Yourself", don't ever appologize for it and be as open and honest as possible. Your true mate/Love will come to you some day, so don't rush it! Some compromise comes much later! Lita~ Good Luck!!!

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i am just out of my very first relationship ,still not over it thou.....almost 4 months, 1 month NC.


I think when i am ready again, the one thing i will surely never ever forget is i am the catch and not to give too much importance to her.


and i have not lost hope on girls, there are many and one of them would definetly be lucky to have me.

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If i woke up one morning and all of a sudden my bf turned extermely needly and clingy, i could never break up with him. To me it would just mean i may not be giving him enough time or attention and that i should try harder to fullfill his needs. Then again, thats just me and how i would see it


It's easy to say that now. If it happened, that would be a completely different story. The whole situation is different and it is impossible to say this with certainty because you have no idea how this really would effect you and your opinion of your partner. You can assume now, but you wouldn't know how it really would make you feel until it happens.


In my experience, this change IS a relationship killer most of the time. Maybe not instantaneous, but over time.

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I am a nice person but i don't suffer from "nice guy syndrome" I think my original post was taken way out of context. I never idolized a girlfriend, i am very stubborn and opionionated, I do what i want to do. I am not some weird clingy bitc* like is being assumed.


I am talking about a girl who loved me like crazy for years. If anything, she was the clingy co-dependant. I never gave to much of myself because i didn't want to put my heart on the line to have it broken. But after 2 years i thought i could really trust her so i started opening up to her and integrating her more into my life like she always wanted. This is when she started becoming distant and eventually left me.


At one point when i was trying to get her back and asking why she left me she said "I don't know...i guess i just liked you more when you were a jerk."

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i also think that not every woman is like that


you just need to go out, meet people and then you'll see how many different women there are


hope it helped


Yes, women can be VERY different from each other, sometimes even more different than between a man and a woman. You have to treat each as individuals and not make generalisations.

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