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Hi! This is about a girl I met on a cadet trip on the 4th of December last year. The long and short of it is we where mutually attracted to each other and ended up making out on the coach. I haven't seen her since, but I spoke on the phone to her for ages and on MSN etc. We're not going out at all, but she still is adamant she wants me. Neither of us have had a partner of anykind since, but I'm not afraid to admit that hormones alone could have brought us together.


We don't live close, but I'm going to her town tomorrow so I said I'll meet her. She's very happy, but I'm just worried that something regrettable could happen. I might like her as much as I did or perhaps not, but I feel we can't go out because we simply don't see each other. We're both single BTW.


Do you think I should engage in anything with her, even if only for the day? I do care about her see.


Thanks, bewildered Doc

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