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advice for tomorrow!!! need opinions!

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First, do not act desperate, show you have a life of your own to live, independent of girls or how they act. My next thought is green flag, ask her out, just have a fun time at the gym, and then ask her out.


Its a win win situation for you if you ask her out and she says no, you can move on with your life, if she says yes you got a date.


Just go for gold, remember you always miss if you never shoot.

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Just go and let her show you the excersises, don't think about dating her at that moment, as that will make you look stupid. Have small chat with her, maybe jokes if you are good with them, but don't forget the damn excersices!!! If you forget about it, she'll se right through you that you are there only for a date, and that will be the end.


If you do everything right, she shows you the excercises, and had a fun conversation while doing them, then before she leaves ask her for her phone number, but not until the end.


Why? Because if you do the excercises, are confident and dont look like being there just to get a date, she'll appreciate your confidence and make her more relaxed, then you can ask for her number.

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I'd go and be yourself. Talk. Do the exercises. Afterwards, say this:


"You know, you seem to be a reasonably sane woman. Give me your number. I'll call you sometime."


EXACTLY that line. Don't say anything else. Be SURE you have paper and pen, or give her your cell and have her type it in. Then, wrap up. Say something like "Great. Well, I have to go, I'll talk to you later." Then leave.


Wait 4-5 days to call her. Then read these articles I've written:


Why you must ask her out on a date

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Tips for your first date

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Notice THIS part of the article:


So that's it in a nitshell. For reference, do not ASK for her number, TELL her to give you her number as if you were telling her that her shirt is blue. "Your shirt is blue. Give me your phone number. Water is wet." Just matter-of-fact. If she refuses, just look surprised and try again. Say something like "Oh come on. Here, write it down." Of course, if she gives you ANY excuse (I've got a boyfriend comes to mind) then you're done. She's not interested. But, realistically, if she had a boyfriend, she would likely NOT being talking to you.


So, relax, get her number, and the call her on 4-5 days. Read my articles for more details, Casanova!

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Why don't you say, 'I'd like to thank you by taking you for coffee. Is that ok?' Just keep it simple or you might 'blow it!'


Good luck

That's not a date. That's a move that says he'll buy her something for her time. It's like he has to pay to be with her. If he wants a date he is sending the wrong signals.


If you want to get friendzoned, use that line. If you want to date her and get to know her better in a way that is MORE than just friends, ask her on a DATE so she knows up front.

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well just an update.....


i just came back from the gym....and she didn't show.... oh well....i guess i learn next time i should get her number on the spot hehe......but why would a woman set up a day to meet and then not show?? what would be the reasons? im not takin it personaly or anything but u know im takin it in as an experience....any suggestions? could she just genuinly forgot?

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hmm yeah hopefully ill run into her again hehe....i've definitly learned to get the woman's number!!! i dunno she was genuinly really nice when i first met her.....so i really dont think she did that on purpose.....but oh well just like JRON said its just meeting new people i shouldn't read too much into it....but kinda still like to know maybe what the reasons would be for future references...hehe

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Maybe you should've given her your number and then if she is ill, etc., she could've phoned and explained.


At least now you can say, 'I missed you the other day. I hope nothing was seriously wrong?' That way you sound like a caring guy.

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well just an update.....


i just came back from the gym....and she didn't show.... oh well....i guess i learn next time i should get her number on the spot hehe......but why would a woman set up a day to meet and then not show?? what would be the reasons? im not takin it personaly or anything but u know im takin it in as an experience....any suggestions? could she just genuinly forgot?

Actions speak louder than words. Don't read into it too much, but I would say she's not interested, probably because you projected too much interest the first time. I'd write her off.


*high pitched voice* Give NJRon her number... *giggle*





But he has a great point - GET HER NUMBER next time.

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