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never shy to ask a guy out, but now..!

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hi everyone

ok, here's the background on my story. i met this guy at the very start of college. he is completely my type: tall, beautiful, skinny, talented, and very aloof (maybe the keyword!).. but the night he met he wouldn't stop talking to me. he seemed strangely smitten. my (equally attractive.. haha) roommate kept coming up to him to start conversation but he'd just turn back to me. he begged for my number, then texted me not much later that night! he even found my online journal via a link on my facebook, even though he doesn't have facebook.. i'm including all these details because they are very "unlike him" to be so persistent or socially aggressive, or so it seems and so say his friends. i never thought he would even speak to me once!


anyway, he had a long distance girlfriend-dater-thingy at the time so we just sort of didn't pursue much, and i found a boyfriend very soonthereafter.


i think he got embarrassed and we sort of got in this fight about all of that for a while, but that was a really long time ago. but i still think about him.. and since i may not come back to school here next year, i figured, "what the heck, i'm gonna ask him out."


i just haven't talked to him in a really long time.. and he is very aloof. he's in a rock and roll band, he went to art high school (and he came out just like you'd expect) blah blah blah. but i'm nervous. for the first time since i can remember, i really fear rejection and humiliation from him.


does anyone have any tips? i sort of feel like just calling him out of the blue and bein' like DINNER, JA?? but a part of me thinks i should maybe get to know him a little better before that. he did finally get facebook, so it's easier to contact him (and i know he's single!)


help!! i was never afraid to ask a guy out until him!

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