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fingering a virigin (like the last one but difffernt)

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Well in the past I have fingered girls before but this one is a virigin which is not like the others. She has never been fingered but we are deciding on things we can expirement with. We want to try it so what should i expect? Should it be painful? Can it break her cherry? please help me on this one

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If you finger a virgin she is going to bleed to death, you will have the blood of her life on your hands.


But putting the april fool jokes aside, if a girl has sex with a guy,maby some blood will come out if she is a virgin but most woman survive, so as long as you are gentle im not expecting any problems.

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but most woman survive,


MOST women survive? I'd like to see your source for the ones that don't.


I was fingered lots before I actually had a penis in there. Heck, I did it myself.


There was no blood, no pain when it was done within reason. There's no "cherry".


Before fingering ANYONE, virgin or not, make sure she is relaxed, into it, and lubed up. Buy a bottle of lube and keep it religiously in your nightstand. I cannot stress this enough. I firmly believe that the single most important factor in fun and painfree sex and sexual activities is lube. Natural and bottle based.


Another thing you need to remember is good communication during the act. Don't stick 3 fingers in her when all she wants is the first half of your pinky. Ask her if she's comfortable, ask her what she would like, if she's ready for more, if she wants it faster or harder, deeper or shallower.


Have fun!

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blinking is right, she will just be tighter than "the others", you just need to be gentle. if she is nervous, but will let you put your hand down her pants do it but dont finger her just play with her clit, or just rub her, when she feels a little wet ask her if you can put it in, just because she is a virgin, doesnt mean it wont go naturally. AND WILL NOT POP HER CHERRY ... cherry pops only when a male actually proceeds in sexual intercourse.

And do not experiment with toys until you know how much she can handle (how tight she is), dont even use toys the first time you do foreplay.



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blinking is right, she will just be tighter than "the others", you just need to be gentle. if she is nervous, but will let you put your hand down her pants do it but dont finger her just play with her clit, or just rub her, when she feels a little wet ask her if you can put it in, just because she is a virgin, doesnt mean it wont go naturally. AND WILL NOT POP HER CHERRY ... cherry pops only when a male actually proceeds in sexual intercourse.

And do not experiment with toys until you know how much she can handle (how tight she is), dont even use toys the first time you do foreplay.




What the heck do you mean by "popping her cherry"? Are you talking about breaking the hymen? My hymen was broken LONG before I ever had a penile penetration. Some don't have hymens, I don't know if I even actually ever had one.


It's such an old expression, I'm surprised people use it anymore literally. I thought nowadays people used "pop her cherry" as a figurative term to describe having sex with a virgin.


Learn something new everyday I guess.

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My ex is now a cherry picker!!! he just wants to have sex with virgins then dump them!


i just read this part now....and i'm appalled to hear that your ex does that... if i ever found out that someone i knew did that, i would tell someone in hopes of stopping him.. you think that is right for him to be doing? what about those poor girls... how young are they, are they even of age? if they are under 18 i would be calling the police.. he sounds like he has problems, what is wrong with people today.

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She means that if you are going to be fingered you may as well go the whole way and have sex...


it means............i think that is very inapproprate for a virgin... i can't believe there is virgins out there doing that.. i can't speak for all virgins but i know that when i was, that was something never done or thought about by me or the guy... nor did i ever use tampons.... i'm surprised that virgins do use those. i can't believe i'm even talking to you guys about this but i guess i'm in shock. times have really changed since i was young..

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it means............i think that is very inapproprate for a virgin... i can't believe there is virgins out there doing that.. i can't speak for all virgins but i know that when i was, that was something never done or thought about by me or the guy... nor did i ever use tampons.... i'm surprised that virgins do use those. i can't believe i'm even talking to you guys about this but i guess i'm in shock. times have really changed since i was young..


Virginity for me was never something that was part of me, it didn't make me. I was just a chick who had never had sex. You make it seem like virginity is this "good girls club". I just don't agree with you.


I used tampons, I put my fingers in there (and other fun things), I gave and received oral sex. There isin't anything wrong with that. The vagina is not a taboo area, it's not "the unmentionables". It should be embraced and I feel every woman and young woman should know her body, should know what it looks and feels like, what it smells like, what she likes.

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that is just sick... i can't agree with you and i certainly hope young girls don't read this and think it's okay to be like you. NEVER did oral sex at all nor did i masturbate..that is something i thought women did only after years of being sexually active.. not something for a virgin to learn at a young age. oral is something i never tired or thought about doing until years after dating my husband.. he had to convince me that it was okay, part of sex....since i grew up believing that was something only sl@t's did...so if your doing that now as a virgin...guess what that makes you.


i also don't think this type of advise should be here. isn't there a porn sight somewhere where you guys can chat... i've seen other similar post here that i don't agree with... there is lots of young confused people here that read this stuff... i just hope they are smart enough to know whats right and wrong...just my opinion

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I can embrace that you disagree. It's a matter of opinion. That's fine.


But I am not wrong. Just as you are not wrong in your beliefs. What I think is NOT sick, not pornographic. Yes there are young people here, and what I am talking about is not uncalled for. I am right in my views, so are you.


I'm not in the minority here. I can't give you numbers since these are my own perceptions based on what I have talked to people, but I have only met a handful of people who feel the same way you do. I have met numerous more people who are more open minded and in general feel more the way I do.


It's a matter of agreeing to disagree. But don't bash me and tell me that I'm sick or I should be shunted off to the skirts of society because you disagree with me.

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ps your no virgin..........can't be if your doing all that..


I'm not a virgin. I haven't been since I was 18.


Please explain to me how a girl loses her virginity by using a tampon?


And there are different opinions on what virginity is. Some believe you lose your virginity first time you do anything with another person, including petting and oral sex. Others believe you lose your virginity strictly with penile penetration. I have a female friend who considers losing her virginity first time she had sex with another female.


Sexuality is multi-faceted. It is not cut and dry. Let's embrace that.

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