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for anybody who has been in a lousy relationship

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this I think is the one thing that has helped me to move on the most. seeing was believing. I was looking thru a old photo album of me and my ex. In all of the pictures I never smiled and always looked miserable. It made me realize how unhappy I really was. Somehow just seeing myself in pictures gave me the strengh to move on. I guess I really needed to see it for myself.

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It takes a while to realize that you are better off with out them, that you were never really happy. It was all inside your head that you were clinging on scared they would leave you because you thought they were so great. You could never get anyone better because your just not good enough, not pretty enough, not kind enough.

Funnily enough when that person dumped me he said the only thing he loved was my empathy, the fact that I would do anything for him if he just so much as mentioned it.

The things we do to ourself. Their is light oon the otherside of the tunnel, I got over the lousy relationship.

Good Luck,


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I think it's usually only afterwards that you realise you've been in abad one, you don't see it at the time. A lot of people cling to bad ones because they're scared of being alone. being alone isn't always that great but it's much better than being in a bad relationship. believe me, I know.

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it took me 3 months (after breakup) to realize that it was not meant to be. Its funny when you are there going thru it, you just don't want to think you are being mistreated or things are not working out proper. We just ride with the emotions. We stop using our head and go by our heart.

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