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Not good with subtlety!

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Sometimes I think this guy likes me and other times I think he's just being polite. The situation we see each other in is more of a business type, my son attends his daycare. We don't see each other outside of that so the opportunity to get to know each other and figure out what he's feeling isn't there. Also, a daycare is not the appropriate place to flirt or just get to know each other cause he has a job and a responsibility to the kids. I have some reasons why I sometimes think he likes me, but I want input from others of what the signs would be if he did like me but was being subtle because of the situation I mentioned above. Please Help!

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Wow. Exciting, maybe.


1st, What do you know about him personally? I understand its limited, but do you even know if he's single or hedro? (sp?)


There are "appropriate" ways to flirt in the business world. I'm not suggesting overt eyelash batting or obnoxious laughter at his one-liners but maybe more than usual eye contact, bigger smiles, friendlier words, like, hey, good to see you. Or, oh, glad you're here today.


And you can always make things more personal very easily thru small talk. Its OK to do that.


If you get the oppotunity, ask him for advice on a movie or a book or a restaurant that just opened. Casually ask him about what he's doing for the upcoming holiday if there is one. Small talk is the fastest and easiest way to get info from someone without them really realizing they're even giving it.


You - "So, what did you do for Thanksgiving?"

Him - "Oh, it was great. My girlfriend's family flew us out to Vegas. They're loaded so it was nice that they paid because my mom just kicked me out. Now I have to pay half of my gf's rent. How 'bout you?


See, in like 2 sentences you found out that he has a gf who he'll never leave cuz her family's wealthy, and until recently lived with his mom cuz he's cheap.


huh? huh?

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