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I feel so lost. Nothing seems to be going right. All the plans I had, are now ruined. It kills me to think that everything I ever wanted to be is only a distant fantasy. I dream about changing the world, only I can't. Everything that is happening in my life is just showing me how much of a * * * * up I am. I'm a typical loser, I don't have a car/license, I just lost my job, I am expelled from school, and I am about to run away to California to live with an old friend. I have no future, I'm living in the moment, but not the good one. I can't stay focused, I have false hope and nothing is going the way it's supposed to. I did something tonight that I haven't done in 3 years. I got on my knees and begged god to steer my life in the right direction., only with the back of my mind telling me it's all bull * * * *...

Sorry guys just had to vent.

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"God" isn't going to send you an angel to help you out, you've gotta take control of your life yourself. You know that mistakes have been made, but it's not too late to change things around. Get back in school, finish up. If you can't get into a college go to a JC afterwards. It's never too late.


There's lots of ways to change the world and they don't all require good grades in highschool and certainly don't require a car and/or license. Don't run away to California (why are you running away to California? Issues with your parents?).


Why'd you get expelled?

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IronLight85 is right. If you're life is this bad right now, than it is your responsibility to help make it better. Never give up hope. As long as you believe you can fix things, than there will be a chance you can. Why did you get expelled? Is it possible you could take summer school, or would the school not be willing to change or amend their decision? It's also possible to find work, a car can be replaced by bus transportation, and why do you consider yourself a loser? I am sure you are not one. If you were able to get a job, that's pretty good so far. I am sure you have unique interests and skills you can use in life. Also you don't have neccesarily have to worry about high school either. As long as you are good in your proffesion, than that might be good enough. Believe in yourself.

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Sorry you're so down right now Steven. Really...


You sound very articulate and well aware of your circumstances and how they came about. I think you'll be able to pull thru it.


Sounds like you're giving yourself some time to feel down and that's ok. We all do that, ya know, just spend time wallowing in it.


Just don't let it sweep you up so far that you can't recover.


Take some time. But after a while, you gotta grab those ol' bootstraps and tug as hard as you can. Find your own inner-"god" You're the one at the helm, YOU are the god you're looking for.

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