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Please, just someone tell me it will go away

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I'm having a terrible time with my recent break-up. I haven't stopped crying, haven't been able to eat, and actually feel physical pain. We have had a very volitile relationship & keep doing the break-up/make-up cycle. I really think that it needs to end because I can't trust him, but this is so hard. I been through many break-ups (even divorce), and it just keeps getting harder and harder. I just need some support - someone to tell me it gets better - I just need to hear that I'm not the only one - that sooner or later there is going to be someone for me.

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Someone wil definitely come along. Its almost like a death, although worse in some aspects. At least with death you cannot change the outcome. It will get better, I'm guessing from your emotions that this is quite recent? I am now in week 2 of my break up with my LT bf of two years. I was a MESS for the first few days, but slowly it does get easier. The best thing to do is keep busy. As soon as you have time to stop and think about the person, that is when it is hardest. Make changes, go out (even though you don't feel like it) have a girlie night, take a bath and a good book to heart instead of thoughts of you and your ex. When ever you feel yourself slipping, change what you are doing and do something else that makes YOU feel good. Smile, people will wonder what you are thinking

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It sounds to me like you really don't want to end this current relationship due to the fact that you've had so many break-ups. That whole break up and make up business is always rough, but in the end, if you can't trust him, you know you're better off breaking up for good. Ultimately that'll be less painful but that might take time. Thats the only way things will start to get better for you, and you know you deserve better. The fact that you DO deserve better, and you recognise this means that you WILL find someone who can provide it for you. Also, if you're not sure if you're the only one dealing with this sort of thing, all you need to do is read a few threads and you'll clearly see that there are a LOT of people who share your pain.

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Hey there.


I can totaly relate to the way you feel. There isn't much any of us can say that will quickly alleviate you of your pain. We can offer our support and share our experiences and promise you that - in time, it WILL get better. For some people, it happens quicker than others. I cryed every day for almost a month and a half. For two weeks, I too felt phsyically ill, and on numerous occasions did become sick.


People will give you all sorts of different advice, but all I can say is do what you want to do. Do what you know you SHOULD do. Almost everyone told me to get up and get busy. I suppose for some people, that would work fine. But I just couldn't do it. I took time away from working (infact left the company I worked for) and just dealt with the pain minute by minute. And eventualy albeit very slowely, I am starting to feel better.


I still cry, though not as often. I feel remorse, and still question why. But I am also starting to feel better about myself and my life again. I feel for you, I really do. I wouldn't wish this type of emotional pain on anyone. Keep talking to us, if it makes you feel even the slightest bit better. There are many many people here with fantastic attitutes, big hearts and who really do sympathize along with you.


Enotalone was a crutch when I crawled in here, but has turned itself into being a brick in the foundation on which I stand.


I wish you well, and hope you continue to post with us.



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