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Ahhhh what am I doing!?!?!?


Right well, i'm still really close to my ex ex, and recently been talking to him more and more. Now, we've started talking about our relationship (it was a longdistance relationship). Problem is, he said he could easily fall back in love with me. And i think it could just be because i feel lonely and i'm getting over a break up, but i find myself wanting him back.


I just can't do this!! I'm visiting my friends, where he lives, in a few weeks so i'll see him and i'm scared!! I mean, i don't know if i want anything to happen. I've changed so much since he last saw me, i'm scared in case i put him off or anything. Ahh why do i feel like this? I don't want to but i do kind of


Problem is, i know this would be a total rebound thing and it would be hard again, being long distance. I don't want to hurt him (again, it was me who dumped him last time) and i don't want to put myself through this but my feelings and emotions are all over the place


Anyone got any ideas of what i should do? I would greatly appriciate some advice right now.


Thanks in advance

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Leave him alone...i got strung along and given false hope three times cause of probably the same reason you feel that you should start things up with ex again.

I didnt appreciate the false hope, cause i believed it.. while he had the oppurtunity to have me as seasons(meaning oh i will be with her cause i am having a hard time, and doesnt matter if she believes it to be true).

So if you want the advice then here is it:

Leave him alone... more hurt is not needed... only proceed if you are certain as the day you met him otherwise save him the pain.

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Just as silvercloud says leave him alone. dont tell him your even coming up there to see your friends bc if you do that then emotions are going to run through again, and then one thing will lead to another and i'm sure you dont need to go through that again. the reason i'm saying this is because i was in the same situation as you. I know its going to be hard being in the same place where your ex is but what ever you do if your friends know him by any chance tell him not to say anything to your ex have them not to mention anything at all. It be a whole lot easier like that, there is nothing to be confused about at all. Go and have a good time if you run into him just say a casual hi and bye and if he wants to start a conversation with you or tells you i want to met up with you dont take that from him just walk away or your going to hurt yourself even more. I'm in the same situation like you 2 of my friends got married just recently and they strongly wanted me to come back for their wedding bc my ex was living in the same place where my friends got married and have not seen my friends after 5 years bc of him being in the same place. So you'll do fine. If you need to talk more message me.


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