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My mother mentioned to me that men need more time...

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... in dealing with their emotions. She said that it takes longer to settle in a man's mind that they're in love or even strongly like a woman. And that when they say that "they don't know" they really mean it. It's just not clear in their heads at the moment that they could truly possibly be in love with someone. At first I thought it was a bunch of BS...but I think my mother could be right about this....


What do y'all think?

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Yeah, I would agree. There is a period of time when, if I am being honest, I really don't know. In fact, half the time if a significant other would ask me how I felt about something in particular, I would have to have a serious think about it. It took me 3 days to figure out my feelings toward my ex sleeping with someone on a cruise... so yeah, maybe I'm slower than most

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I think you're mother is pretty close to the mark. I've fallen hard for women before, one or 2 within maybe a few weeks or a month of dating them. But I've been asked things like 'where is this relationship going", and answered 'I don't know" because I really truly didn't. Well that was taken as a bad sign and that was that. So I think in some instances its definetly true. Sometimes I don't think about those things until its brought up, and at that point there's no way I could give an answer one way or the other right at that moment. lol, apparently that doesn't sit well with a lot of women.

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Ok i have to laugh about this one. I have a tendency of faling to fast. I tend i know how i feel about things.

I did ask my gf whrer we are at and she stumbled for 1 week to be able to answer that. SO,hmm. i supppose i would say this, it isnt whether men are slow to know their feelings, it is whether they have been THINKING about it. If a guy ask youhow to felt about the relationship out of the blue, would you really be able to answer that striaght away??? after all you have to take into account how you feel now, yesterday, last month, 6months ago, your last fight, your last laugh, your last sexual encounter, ... etc. boy that can be exhausting!!..



just my opinion

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