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Man of few words

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Whenever I talk to my girlfriend on the phone, sometimes we just don't have much to talk about. Does anyone else get this? In general I'm just a man of few words, and I'm very bad at maintaining conversations. I'm just worried that my girlfriend will someday just get bored of me. I'm going to talk to her about it, but I mean, sometimes I just feel like we should be talking about something. I know that in a relationship, there's moments when you don't need words to speak for you, but you know what I mean right?


And at a dance the other week. We went up with some friends. And while she was dancing with my friends I noticed that they were talking and laughing a lot. When we went to go dance, we barely talked. It wasn't awkward or anything, we were just both enjoying our time together. But where I'm getting at, is that, I just feel that we should be talking you know?


I don't know. What are your opinions about this?

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i've had the same issue in a previous relationship actually. i'm like you, i am a more quiet dude. my gf at the time was also a little on the quiet side, so maybe it's just both of your personalities? anyway, the girl i'm dating now is more outgoing and talkative. she usually is the one who brings up topics of conversation, and i haven't the problem these days, for the most part. however, she seems less engergetic and talkative around me as opposed to her girl friends. i've brought this up to her, curiously, to make sure she wasn't for some reason bored with me (you and i aren't so different i see) and she said that she realizes she's less bouncy around me but it's because i'm not so energetic and hyper, so she's adjusting her tempo to match mine more.


i think you should bring this up with your girl. it will let her know that you've noticed it in case she hasn't noticed it. i think in general, though, girls are always more talkative with their girl buddies than with their boyfriends.

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i have the same issue with my boyfriend (he doesn't talk much) but he says he doesn't know what to talk about.....just talking about funny things that have happened, or that are going on, or even just the kind of day you've had and why is enough. if you two are happy and she is fine with it i wouldn't worry too much.

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I used to talk very little, and could go for days without saying anything. I married a talker, and was pressed to talk more. Somehow I've become a monster that never shuts up.

I get the impression some people equate talking with communication, but at times I see people yack up a storm without listening to each other.

It's an age old dilemma. Talk, or listen?

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My Fiancee and I have this problem sometimes when we're on the phone. The problem is that neither of us have a job due to disabilities and we don't go anywhere or see friends/family on a regular basis to have something to talk about.


To get around the problem we usually say some 'lovey dovey' stuff and talk about funny things that happened to us when we were growing up.


I hope this has helped?

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yeh - seems like its a personality thing maybe. My husband and I get in our moods. Sometimes I'm super chatty and he just looks at me like, "who talks that much?" Other times he's the chatter box and bores me to tears and still other times, we just seem to either sit quietly next to each other or just sit and talk. It totally depends on the day, our moods...


If the silence feels uncomfortable to you tho - you definitely should bring it up.

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