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I will not write whole my story becouse it would be to long but in the end it is always this same. When i meet a nice girl we talk a lot about everything (interests, hobbys ect.) but when it comes to this when i want to tell her thet i'm interested in her she always wants to be just a friend.

Is it my mistake or something else?

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I know everyone is going to bash me for this advice, but I think it's true.


The longer I am 'friends' with a guy, the less he looks like dating potential.

If you are interested in a girl, don't get 'too friendsy' with her if you know what I mean. Make your intentions clear earlier on, or else you will be labelled 'friend' rather soon, and your hopes of becoming the boyfriend will be very low.


There's nothing I find more attractive than a nice man who pursues me in a gentlemanly way. Opening doors, little glances, offering to hold my coat, whispering something cute in my ear...these are the things that push you from 'friend' to 'boyfriend' in my opinion.


Thinking back on all my boy/friends they all had one thing in common: very nice men, not very assertive in showing they had romantic interests in me. I know a few of them did, but they never approached me. Why not?


I'm sure some others will also give you some practical advice as well, but there's mine!

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Beyondthesea u r right I always want to become a friend for a start, seeing her talking to her getting to know her better, i'm not searching a girl for a short time. I would like to know her inside what she thinks etc.

This is the problem i supose but i always do it like this.


For the rests of annswers i can't do it, what i will get if only i like her outside she maby beutifull but without an rich inside she is empty for me.

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I'd have to agree with most of previous replies. It's a good thing you're talking to her about general interests, etc. But she might be thinking that you're just trying to be friendly, that you're not interested in her romantically. She may have thought of you as boyfriend material in the very beginning, but after a while of "friendly conversations" she may have pushed the romantic idea aside and then it'll be a little late.


Drop her hints that you like her more than as a friend. Give her compliments. Tell her how you feel around her. It's very difficult to do I know, but it's worth it if you want the girl. Say something like, "You're really easy to talk to." Appreciate the time you spend with her and let her know it. Ask her what her other hobbies are and try to hook up on some of the events.


Also, one way I know a guy is interested is when he starts asking me about my love life.

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I know everyone is going to bash me for this advice, but I think it's true.


The longer I am 'friends' with a guy, the less he looks like dating potential.

If you are interested in a girl, don't get 'too friendsy' with her if you know what I mean. Make your intentions clear earlier on, or else you will be labelled 'friend' rather soon, and your hopes of becoming the boyfriend will be very low.


No bashing here It's true, when I first become friends with a guy, I will maybe wonder if he could be more. Not always, but sometimes, usually...the thought will cross my mind.


However, after being friends with him for a while, and not getting any "he likes me" vibes, he will be 'friendzoned' permanently. I've never started liking a platonic guy friend after being friends for a while. In my heart it is just a big no no...almost like they have become a brother. If I have, it is probably because I was interested even before we became friends, and have liked them from the very start.

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