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too soon? or a positive outlook?

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well....for the last 3 weeks i've been heartbroken from my last breakup....i kno its a lil soon.....but im tryin to focus on another girl.....and i think i found my target....do u guys think its too soon? i mean for a fact i know im not healed completely, and definitly not ready for another relationship....but i believe myself that if i go for this girl at least i have something to keep myself looking forward to tomorrow....shes really pretty as well....definitly can be compared to my ex (can't help but compare, i guess its normal)....a very nice person as well....


anyways im a lil rusty in my flirtin scene but imma give it shot n try to get back into the single life of 21....what do u guys think? any tips on gettin to kno this girl better? maybe its too soon?

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hoping, sometimes dating someone else so soon after a break up can be harmful but I think it can also be a good thing. If you set proper expectations for this girl, let her know exactly where you are in the scheme of things, it can be ok.


Be realistic, have no illusions about what the relationship is, and be honest with the girl, and then go for it.


It may be very good for your healing, give you practice dating again and increase your self-esteem. Just make sure you are honest with this girl (and yourself) about coming off of a relationship and about what exactly you are looking for with her.


Good luck!

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well this girl has been an aquintance for the last 3 years....we were never really close or anything...just talk here n there....she knows i just got out of a relationship...she actually knows my ex as well.....i dunno for some reason...hard to admit...but im a lil scared....i dun even know why...is that normal? i just really want to get to know her better from this pt on....and see where things go...and for some reason i think shes "out of my league"....but again i've been readin alot of posts here and alot of female posters say its a myth (about someone out of someone's league)....i dunno i guess cuz my confidence has been shot down by the last breakup....

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Ta ree saw, do you think that dating so soon after a relationship's demise is a good thing for the person one is dating? I would be afraid that would be a rebound relationship and I have always heard nasty things about rebound relationships, like how they dont last and one person always gets severely hurt. Also, is there any way one can avoid not getting hurt if one decides to enter into a relationship with someone else who is just coming out of a relationship? For all you tell your head and heart that this person is just coming out of relationship, to take it slow, that they are confused, etc., the heart is going to behave on its own irregarless of how the head says the heart should behave.

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