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Tried a love spell?

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I was browsing the net and came accross many sites offering love spells with money back options blah blah.


The main question is have any of you had one cast for you? Is the power in the belief? Has one worked for you or do you think it's a money making scam?


It will be interesting to see if someone has actually had it make a difference!


Thx for all replies in advance.

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Look, I can't prove it doesn't work, but I'm willing to bet on it. Really, the bottom line is, if you want a girl to fall in love with you, and she doesn't, it wasn't meant to be. You can't force love, it's impossible. And even if you could, would you really want to be with someone who only loved you back because of some spell? I know I wouldn't.



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I can tell u a story about my attempt at a love spell. I was trying to cast a love spell on my exboyfriend and his new girlfriend to break them up, and part of the ritual require me to cut a candle...well it backfired, as i was trying to cut the candle, i screwed myself over and end up cutting my finger soooo bad that i started bleeding all over the place at 3 in the morning...and i had to rush to the hospital to get stitches. I will consider that a bad luck strike for trying to mess with him and his new girlfriend.

I dont know if they work, its not like i was able to finish it . But I dont think you should try to make some1 fall in love with you under a spell.

Good Luck anyways!!!

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I am not sure if they work but years ago I did a report on the Wicca which is a type of witchcraft. They said you are not suppose to put spells on people because it is a false pretense....making someone fall in love with you is not real for them so it is a selfish act and can come back to you 3 fold meaning something bad will happen to you 3 times as bad.

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Love spells are very dangerous and should not be used to gain a specific person's interest as that is taking away a person's free will. I have performed general love spells to attract love to me, whether in the form of a friend, a lover, etc, but NEVER for a specific person. Love is a beautiful thing and should not be manipulated by magick. I'm not going to get into my personal feelings about people just doing spells without any knowledge of the power behind them, but I will say to please try to learn more about the spiritual aspects behind spells before you try to perform them.

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