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Not really 100% for this forum but im interested (snakebite)

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I was wondering about the drink snakebite,for those who dont know thats larger and cider mixed together. I wanted to know if this is true whats said about it. Apprently everyone I spoken to and what I read on the internet suggests its gets you more drunk than the sam volume of alcahol if not mixed, and infact many bars in England refuse to sell it because of this.


Anyone know the truth behind that? and reasons why it would get you really drunk?


Also personaly I would prefer a nice tasting drink and not be rat faced but everyone to their own. Just want to know should I avoid this drink, for my health reasons lol.



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I used to drink Snakebites from being 13 years old!


It's true that you can get drunk faster, however, that's not the reason why the bars don't sell it. Tests were done and it was discovered that snakebites actually affect the brain and is very dangerous over a period of time!

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OMG people been drinking that a long time. And wow that dont sound good, I best not start drinking it. I thought well maybe I will sacrifice class and taste now and again for say a couple of pints of snakebit costing me like £2 at home or £4.50 in a bar But ohh sounds dangerous, I wont mix anymore also as I heard there is chemicals in the drinks react.



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Hey there,


I got extremely drunk drinking snakebites one night, will never do them again. LOL I discourage anyone to mix Yukon Jack with any other liquor. The reason why a lot of bars won't sell it because it is 100-proof, 1/2 alcohol. I bartended for about 8 years.

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hehe o right thats a different type of snakebite to what im talking about, yours is "Yukon Snakebite" as im sure your awear of. Im talking about the beer and cider mixed sometimes with blackcurrent and vodka. But okies I will take your advice and steer clear.


I also been doing research and found/devised the ultimate hangover cure/reliving aid. This using scientific knowlage of what happens not old wives tales.


Only thing that is 100% effective is strapping yaself to a dialysis machine while still drunk then you will be fine lol.



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Oh I see. Yikes...the drinks they come up with these days. LOL My guess is that is not good to mix so many different types of alcohols, it can really mess you up and make you extremely sick. Actually, that drink sounds gross! LOL


The best things for a hangover is water, asprin and sleep.

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This is what was wrote in the article link that DN posted...


"In the 1990s, many British link removed refused to pour snakebites because of just how drunk and how violent people would become when drinking them. This trend has died down lately."


There is your answer.

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Lol, I agree with that. I think personally after trial and error I guess over the years. Mixing definatley gives a better chance of a hangover. Also water level in the morning seems to hold truth. I'd try the snakebite after reading, it doesn't sound so bad. You would have to be smart and drink it at the right time though.

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Best cure is

- While still drunk take "Resolve" or "Alka Seltzer" (stomach setling tablets)

- That same night have afew pints of water mixed with salt and double the amount of sugar than salt.

- In the morning a product called "berocca" this has all the stuff in that you loose when breaking down ethanol and methanol and you run outof making you feel unwell.

- Pure water and erm bread.


Alternitively you could just not drink that much lol.

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