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Should have been my 4 month anniversary today

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The title say's it all doesn't it. Well yeah, 26th March today, would have been our 4 month anniversary! Oh well.


I really don't care anymore though! I mean, i've realised just how nasty and petty he can be. He's been slagging me off to people about me and saying crap! Well he's obviously just not worth it.


I mean, i loved him, gave him EVERYTHING and was ALWAYS there for him. I nearly lost all of my mates because of him. And look what i got in return! Thanks very much (lol)!


But now, at the moment, i really dislike him and probably won't speak to him ever again lol. I leave school in the middle of May and i won't have to see him again (hopefully). I don't want to leave school on a bad note with anyone so i may ask him to at least be civil with me but i DO NOT want to be his friend. BREAK THROUGH FOR ME!!


This post is just an update of my feelings. I'm really happy at the moment. I've been getting on much better with 2 of my friends and have become really close to them. And i've been getting on better with my family, seeing them more! So good things do actually come out of break ups.


I've also learned from mistakes i made in the relationship and when the relationship ended...i now know what to do in the future if i am ever in the same position.


Thank you to all enotaloners who gave me advice, encouraged me and helped me this past month (yes it's nearly been a month since we split!!!!!!)

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