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How Do U Fall Out Of Love?????

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you can't just fall out of love. You have to let time heal your heart and help you move on. It can happen, but you have to find away to just shift your focus to something else. Be thankful that you have found love and you will find it again.

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I really don't believe we can fall out of love 100% unless and until we find someone else. But you would still care for your ex even if you are with someone else. Love is strange you just have to give it time & patience......every body above said it right, you just have to focus on somethin else.

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I'm going through the same thing, and I wonder why I still love him, but what helps is, think of all the bad things about that person and stay distracted on other things. Most of all, finding someone new will very much help you fall out of love. Good luck!

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Falling out of love = (time)x(change)


I'm in the same situation you are. Just take each day one at a time. Pretty soon you will realize that you dont think about that person that much anymore. You'll realize that your not in love....yes you'll probably love that person as a human being...but you arent in love. You may still be physically attracted to that person but you can live without him/her.

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you cant just fall out of love its very hard. I have tried but theres just no way around it. all you can do is give it time, do not contact the person, and get involed in something more productive. you also have to keep in mind that you dont deserve to be cheated on. there is some1 out there thats goin to love you the way you love them you just have to be patient and give it time.

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You don't fall out of love (in my opinion), you just get used to the person not being there. The love may change as a result of a realisation that it isn't going to work and that you won't be happy. Even when I think about one ex of mine, whom I dumped with certaintly, I still think fondly of him and there is still chemistry there - but I would never act on it because it was going nowhere for many reasons that would be the same today.


Work on moving on with your life, accept your love. Do what you have to do. Adopt the motto "if that is what it takes, then that is what it takes".

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