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jealous of my girlfriend


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I've been with this amazing amazing woman for 9 months, we're both 20/real close to 21, she's the greatest person ive ever known, but in the past 3 weeks or so i've become super jealous of her, not in a distrusting kind of way, but a straight out, high school style, "I want to BE her" kind of way. first off i have issues with being envious of girls (i find myself kinda wanting to be one, but completely not homosexual) and she's very womanly and sexual so that issue is in the forefront quite often, fueling the fire, but thats not really the issue, i can deal with that, it just amplifies the current situation. also she's just cool, the coolest woman i ever knew. she's become good friends with all my friends and seems to be surpassing me in popularity in my own tight-knit circle of friends, and to top it off we recently applied to the same job (art related, and I'm an ARTIST! she isnt), she got interviewed and hired. I was never even called back, even though I'm more qualified. sometimes she even wears some of my shirts and our friends say they look better on her. this is all very petty and 6th grade like but i just cant help it! and other than this recent issue our relationship is beautiful, we're stupid retarded in love with eachother and we're very good to eachother, etc. but man, now she's: a girl. my friends like her better. she pulls off my style better. she has my job. and i know she's not trying to make me jelous. what to do??

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i honestly think u should be happy for her man....honestly cherish every moment with her like its ur last day with her dude......she sounds like an amazing girl...to u and to the world....and u have her.....and alot of us right now right here would love to have that again....


why be jealous of her? u should be so proud....she fell in love with YOU...out of millions and millions of guys out there....but she fell in love with you....u have qualities that others dont have....u have what she wants that no one else has.....but most importantly...YOU are YOU.....what she loves from the bottom of her heart....


honestly, my advice (not much really cuz im only 21) to u is take some time...work on urself....let YOURSELF know that u r this amazing person that this beautiful and amazing girl has locked her eyes on....if u think ur not doing something to ur full potential....go for it....throw urself 100% into it....before u kno it, u'll be alot more happier with urself....and she will be as proud of u as u r of her....

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I'm with Hoping on this one.


"what to do??"


Just laugh it up man, I understand what you're saying, but you're right it's petty sixth grade jealousy (nothing wrong with it), but it's funny, just make it a joke and don't take it seriously. Enjoy what you have.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I gotta say bro, hoping layed it out for you straight. There is nothing more to it. Thats one insecurity everyone seems to have. They feel that once they actually got the girl, they take if for granted and just constantly try to top themselves. Shes with you now dude. Be happy to be a man who can protect his woman and make her happy. Because the more I dare to step outside and face reality, I realize how badly some men really are to women.

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That's an interesting statement you made and I think it's probably what is at the bottom of this. Care to explain??



I once had a guy confess to me that he wanted to be a girl because we get to experience so many different sexually related feelings. And in all honesty, I think I'd be a guy for a day. I think guys get more respect out in the real world.

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