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why do guys act like this?

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i haven't had any luck with guys latly my b/f broke up with me about a month ago and we had been dating for a year...then i found this really cute guy and we hit it off but i found out that he has a g/f and didn't tell me about it...so what do i do...how do i get back in the game? i mean its been so long since i have to had to get a males attention?

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then i found this really cute guy and we hit it off but i found out that he has a g/f


Just do what you did to find that guy...they won't all have g/f's


I know, I went through the same thoughts when me and my ex broke up, "OH NO, I have to start looking again?!! Gotta get out the make up bag again..gotta stop wearing the sweatpants everywhere.." lol (NOT saying you have to look high maintenance and dolled up to get a guy, but I think most of you girls will know what I mean).


It's strange to "start over", but you just have to try really hard to remember what you did before you met him. Think of your life before him, and stick with that. It'll come back to you easier than you think. But the above posters are also right, don't rush into it if you're not ready. Just enjoy your single-ness for now, feel comfortable, be happy, then when you least expect it...the next mr.right now will come along

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i am feeling exactly that...like how do i find another guy? and im going to have to get to know him and it will take forever....and im just franting b/c i dont want to do the "getting to know you" thing...its sucks...but i guess i have no choice....


I'm not that much older but, you're fifteen...you have sooo much time to get to know someone (even if it takes 'forever'). Besides, your focus shouldn't be on finding someone to replace the boyfriend. I know, it's hard, because you're so used to having a boyfriend, so used to thinking and feeling the comfort of having someone there for you. The first few weeks after the break up I was freaking out too, intent on finding someone to 'fill the void', well and also to show my ex I didn't need him. But you know, it's a slow process, but I'm starting to realize that I don't need to. I will eventually, but right now I should focus on myself and doing all the things I can as a single girl just trying to have the most fun she can - without depending on someone else for my happiness.


I really don't want to do the whole "getting to know you" thing either, but you know, you don't have to. Not now. Just go with the flow and trust me, when there's someone interesting or attractive enough who catches your eye, you won't dread that phase, you'll look forward to it. You'll enjoy the excitement of discovering a whole new person. Until you feel you can do that, stay out of the dating game.

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" I was freaking out too, intent on finding someone to 'fill the void', well and also to show my ex I didn't need him. "


there is another thing that i am tryin to work on but its not really working...i show my ex all the time that i need him and i dont know how to stop...i mean i try but everytime he's in the room i feel attracted to him and just want to get his attention and talk to him and everytime i try not to talk to him it doens't work and he knows it....i just dont know how to stop focusing on him all the time...

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