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Loved and Lost - Never Loved at All ?

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all depends on the time. right now I'm about a month after a very serious relationship, and I feel like sometimes I shouldn't have loved.

I've had a couple of other serious relationships, but they're past and done, and I look back and sometimes enjoy the fun times, and the bad don't really hurt as bad.

just don't let regret ruin the best times in your life. Never regret lost love, because, it'll make you bitter and you'll never have love again!

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One of my favorite quotes...


A smart man once said, "It is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all". Some day I would like to find that man...and kick him in the head!


: )


Honestly, I think Nicholas Cage says it best (for me) in City of Angels. I believe its something like... "I would rather have had one breathe of her hair, one touch of her hand...than a whole eternity of nothing"...something like that.


Desspite my current break-up situation and sorrow, I am indescribably thankful for the time I was given and, knowing the outcome, would do it all again.


Love and you gain. Love and lose...you may be losing something, but you stilled gained something too, didn't you?

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Love and you gain. Love and lose...you may be losing something, but you stilled gained something too, didn't you?



so basically, love is like going to reno, playing blackjack, and breaking even.

not exactly a great way to say it. but in a way it's true.

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Tust me, it's true. I feel like I would be much less of a person without ever experiencing love. It is something so undescribable that I cant even put it into words. I have lost that love right now, but I know I would not know nearly as much about myself if I hadn't loved at all. It's all about stepping back and looking at the big picture, which can be hard to do sometimes...



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the saying is true because you grow as a person when you are together with someone. Thats why people get together in the first place right to give a little, take a little and grow as people. People dont get together just to jump eachothers bones!!!!! By loving someone else we learn how to love ourselves right?


this is going to sound gay but its like going to a theme park, you have to wait in really long lines and then it sucks when you have to get off the ride but you still had a hell of a time during the ride, otherwise people wouldnt go to theme parks

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I'm still in the quasi-bitter stage, but I'm getting over it. So... I think the saying holds. By experiencing the stuff I've gone through the past few months, I feel that much more prepared for the future.


Of course, it's better to "love and not lose at all."

but uhh.. that's not the quote, is it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I said that quote some 12 years ago as a niave girl to her first real love. I have wondered alot through the years of its truth and have doubted it many times. But the truth is things happen for a reason and each person we meet along the way is there to teach us something or in some way enhance our lives. Even though that first man broke my heart he taught me how to love, and strangest of strange- he has just reentered my life. Don't know if there is a future for anything but friendship, but truth is I still believe the old quote and am willing to try again till I get it right. Don't know if this helps any, but...

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  • 2 weeks later...

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