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I can't stop my tears right now

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I just head this song for the first time today. I was listening to launchcast radio on my computer and the song who's lyrics are below played and I just broke down.


"So Sick" by Ne-Yo


Gotta change my answering machine

Now that I'm alone

Cuz right now it says that we

Can't come to the phone

And I know it makes no sense

Cuz you walked out the door

But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore

(it's ridiculous)

It's been months

And for some reason I just

(can't get over us)

And I'm stronger than this

(enough is enough)

No more walkin round

With my head down

I'm so over being blue

Cryin over you


And I'm so sick of love songs

So tired of tears

So done with wishing you were still here

Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow

So why can't I turn off the radio?


Gotta fix that calendar I have

That's marked July 15th

Because since there's no more you

There's no more anniversary

I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you

And your memory

And how every song reminds me

Of what used to be


That's the reason I'm so sick of love songs

So tired of tears

So done with wishing you were still here

Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow

So why can't I turn off the radio?


(Leave me alone)

Leave me alone

(Stupid love songs)

Dont make me think about her smile

Or having my first child

I'm letting go

Turning off the radio


Cuz I'm so sick of love songs

So tired of tears

So done with wishing she was still here

Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow

So why can't I turn off the radio?

(why can't I turn off the radio?)


I can't handle days like this anymore. They are fewer and farther in between but I feel like it's worse that they come less often because I cry so much longer and hurt so much more.


God, it needs to start getting better sooner!

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Oh no, I've heard that song! Thats got to be the most painful thing to hear after a break up. It kind of upsets me and I'm in a relationship, but just thinking about the lyrics of that song, almost makes me cry, I always change the channel. You'll be ok though, cause you are strong!

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First things first when you hear that song again TURN IT OFF! I know songs are real big memory markers for me. I associate alot of my history with different songs. Some songs it has taken me a few years to be able to listen to again. The conjure up so much of that time sometimes it's better to leave it there.


I have heard that song too and at first I thought wow what a sad song. You have to remember one thing that the moments are coming few and far between. That is a MAJOR step. Be proud of how far you HAVE come along. There will come a time when there are no more bad times with those thoughts they will be just distant memories.


My advice to you is anytime a song comes on that makes you want to cry TURN THE CHANNEL OR PRESS MUTE!


Take care and you know I will always answer your PM's

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ye im feelin real down right now....and to tell u the truth...im gonna go download that song right now and listen to it.....sometimes its better to let out then to keep it in.....and i think i've been keeping up a front for long enough now....and another song that gets me is called "afterglow" by INXS....

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Sad music helps me get my emotions out too. You have to be careful though not to listen to them on "good days" (yeah right, good days). More good ones are "Sad songs" by Elton John, "Another sad love song" and "Unbreak my heart" by Toni Braxton.


Funny thing about the so sick song is when I first heard it it was before our breakup and I thought to myself "what a whiny * * *". Now I totally live that song.

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I think in every relationship there are certain things which will always remind you of your ex. Sogns, places, events, words or for me.. a biker sad, right?


Anyways, my policy is.. a sad song that'll make the situation worse for me comes on air, I swicth off. I haven't even been able to play any music at work for so long because he recorded all my songs for me and they are bound to remind me of him. Even songs that we do not have in common, such as in your case, but make me sad nonetheless are a no go area for now.


My 2 pence!

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music is so powerful. There are songs I cant listen to because they are associated with an ex's past! For example I can't listen to Al Greens "Lets stay together" because it was my ex's and his girlfriend before me's song. I remember wishing he hadnt told me that because years later everytime I hear that song I am reminded of how much he loved her and that he didnt love me and that we didnt even have a bloody song!!


my current boyfriend once flinched when I put my Brian Adams CD on and my favourite song 'Heaven' I said "what?" he said "oh bad memory song.." he has bloody ruined that song for me now! everytime I hear it I think of him and his ex! music is a complete effing nightmare!


There are songs that remind me of ex's but none as painful as hearing the ones that remind them of theirs!


When I first heard that Ne-Yo song I loved it, I turned it up and my boyfriend said "oh turn this off its awfully depressing" I was feeling happy and secure in our relationship and so wasnt affected by the lyrics because my heartbreak had been years ago, but when i looked at him I felt sick because I realised that the words struck a chord with him and i thought "OMG Do you think of her?" (the one who broke his heart)


Music can be comforting but it can be a nightmare too.


Stop listenning to these songs hun and get out of the house.


I know how you feel, break ups are awful and painful and I think about it all the time because I love my current boyfriend so much I'm afraid of what it would feel like to have him leave me and just the 'thought' makes me feel sick!

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Yeah I usually turn the radio off or change channels if a song I know is sappy comes on. For some reason though, I wanted to hear out this song. Especially when he sings the part "I'm so sick of love songs, so sad and slow but why can't I turn off the radio?". It's crazy. I felt like this man was in my head!

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"Right here waiting" by Stain'd is/was of our song. It sorta grew on us, she got me that CD for my birthday and we listened to it quite a bit together. The words, although fitting, don't really bother me it's just the beat and music and all the happy memories we had listening to that song.

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