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Yeah so me and my girlfriend agreed to break up like a week ago. Well as you may have seen the other thread I sort of thought about this other girl, but now I am over her and miss my ex. We were talking yesterday and she said she wanted it to stay like this for a while to see if her feelings are right and she feels the same way. She told me yesterday that she still cared about me and that she still loves me and I just said ok and she told me she was serious. I thought about it and I realize how much I miss her and everything about her all the little things. But what does this mean what she told me? Does that mean she is still interested in me and would probably want to get back together later on if she still misses me or what?

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Take it from a female, we are very complicted creatures. If you want to know exactly what she ment, ask her. You were trying to sort your feelings out and she is trying to do the same. Don't drive yourself nuts by asking yourself if you are reading too much into what was said. Go to the source and just ask her. That sounds easy in theory, and it takes a lot of guts, but it will give you peace of mind.

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Take it from a female, we are very complicted creatures. If you want to know exactly what she ment, ask her. You were trying to sort your feelings out and she is trying to do the same. Don't drive yourself nuts by asking yourself if you are reading too much into what was said. Go to the source and just ask her. That sounds easy in theory, and it takes a lot of guts, but it will give you peace of mind.

I have done that sometimes she says she doesn't know but yesterday she seemed like she really missed me. She talked to me like we were still going out and she told me that the build a bear i gave her for valentines day she still sleeps with and it means a lot to her and that she still loves me. She also said she want it to stay like this for a little longer to see if her feelings are right and correct. Does that mean she is starting to miss me or something?

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Sounds that way, but remember, you were not too sure about how you felt because you seemed interested in another girl. Ouch, she might be trying to protect herself from being hurt again. Give her time. Rebuild a stronger relationship with her. Even though you broke up, you are still spending time together. Do you have to have the official titles of bf/gf to be together?

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Goign through the same thing.We break up then start seeing each other and everything felt back to normal. Then she said she still doesnt know if she wants to work things out and be alone. She couldnt give me a straight yes or no.

Do you find yourself looking into every thing she does//says as a hint she wants back in it? i do. So im going nc with her for awhile to face it like its over. I know it hurts but try to face it likes its over. If she comes back it will be your choice. i see a confusion in a girl as both sides. She doesnt wanna lose you but doesnt knwo for sure if she wants you. Leaver her to this and try to move on. Ive been on this for 2 days now myself and i just wanna go on like we have but it hurts. If she cant give you a solid answer then stay away and let her make up her mind. Nothing you can do say will have an impact on her choice this is about her now. not you. Honestly i think my ex will come back due to how we were when we are together but i find myself not in love with her. So keep this in mind. just remember an "i dont know" doesnt mean yes but it also doesnt mean no. But for your hearts sake treat it as a no.

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Yeah she thought I liked the other girl so she was kinda weird and I told her I didn't adn now she seems like she wants to get back together later on. I don't really like the other girl anymore before I thought she was cute but I wasn't sure about a relationship or anything like that right after a break up.

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your gf was hurt. give it time. Be supportive. If it was ment to be it will work out. Think of how you would feel if she liked another guy when the two of you were together. Put yourself in her shoes and really think about it. Maybe then you will understand why she needs time. Be patient. Have faith

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your gf was hurt. give it time. Be supportive. If it was ment to be it will work out. Think of how you would feel if she liked another guy when the two of you were together. Put yourself in her shoes and really think about it. Maybe then you will understand why she needs time. Be patient. Have faith

No it wasn't while we were going out she thought I liked someone else. It was after we broke up because me and think girl started talking just in a friendly way though, she was cute but I still had so much feelings for my ex. We went out for a year if that changes anything.

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The best thing to do if a girl can't make up her mind is just leave her. I mean just move on and let her chase you if she wants. I think at 15 no girl or guy really knows what they want. What you want at 15 is different then 18, and on here I can see it's probably going to be different for me at 25 too.


The things is girls are just about a billion times more complicated than anything in the universe. Their minds are like beyond understood, and their intensions are really hard to figure out sometimes.


Being a guy, I can say for the most part men are driven by sex to do things, and then they do all that fall in love stuff. Girls, it's all emotions and things like that. We notice a girls looks mostly and her body and sometimes listen. They notice every stupid thing we do and probably think that we are an idiot but let it slide if we have a good personallity.


No man on this planet can figure them out, you just have to hope that you can become really good at looking like you understanding them. Then when you master that the girl will probably marry you.


I don't know, I guess I'm just as confused right now as everybody else.

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I know I miss her so much though. I think I may wait two weeks until spring break is over and see how things are going. I want to ask her if we will get back together but I don't want her to annoyed with me at all is that a good idea? I want to call her so bad just to talk but I don't know if I should or not?

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