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How to keep a girl interested in long distance relationship

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I went to my cousins house b4 his wedding and i met his fiancees sister (try to keep it straight) we are into all the same stuff and i like her a lot, and i didnt know it but she likes me too, and we spent the night of the wedding doin a little and stuff, and when we came back to the hotel we just hung out and at the end of the night she kissed me and i was pretty excited since i like her and i was really unsure if she liked me and stuff, and in the morning we went to my cousins and her sisters house for breakfast and to watch them open wedding presents and stuff, and we talked and stuff for like 3 hours and then we both had to leave, she really likes me and i really like her but i might not get to see her again for a long time and i wanna know how i can keep her interested, im emailing her a lot but i want to hear ideas you have of how to keep her interested help!!


ps we aren't related in any way- i checked- lol

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I think that if she is really interested in you than you shouldn't have to go to any great lengths to keep things that way. Since you probably won't see each other for awhile you can spend time getting to know each other what you are interested in similar likes and dislikes. Finding out who you really area and if you are compatible. Distance relationships are hard, but that doesn't mean they can't work. If you actually are emailing her a lot that can get to be a little much. Call her email her, but don't go overboard. Let her get to know you as you find out who she is. Good Luck and I hope everything works out between you.

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