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Don't Know What To Think..

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Another problem post from blondy! Not my usual "Healing after a break up" but something that's really getting to me.


It's kind of a long and confusing story so forgive me if i babble or don't make sense.


Ok, so problem 1 (i start with this as it's not that bad). Well, me and a friend "C" fell out majorly about 2 months ago and haven't spoken to each other since. I'm fine with not being her friend, but i'm finding it hard as we are in all of the same classes and have the same group of friends so i'm finding it awkard. Like if she's sitting there talking to everyone, i feel like i can't join in. But anyway, that's an insignificant problem as i only have 18 days until i break up for Easter then 20 days until i leave forever so i can get through that!


Problem 2 is my main problem. Me, "S" and "A" are all best friends. We are ALWAYS together and normally get on really well.

Well, today (my first day back after being ill) we were together and it all felt strange.


My friend "S" was acting weird with me and "A". I'll go through the day and write what happened.


Ok, so, first lesson there was me, "S", "A", "AS" and lots of other girls sitting around the table talking. Kept trying to catch up with "S" but she just ignored me. She kept saying "i can't believe this" and whenever me or "A" asked her what was wrong, she just said nothing.


About 20 minutes later "S" and "AS" went for a walk to find some computers and when they got back you could see that "S" was annoyed and upset and "AS" kept telling her not to worry.


It was like this all day. "S" kept ignoring me and "A" and just going off with other people. At one point, i overheard "S" b****ing about me and "A". I didn't say a word. I didn't want to be in an argument.


I confided in my friend "N" who told me just to talk to her and ask her if me and "A" had done something wrong. But "S" isn't the type of girl who will sit and listen. She would kick off and tell me to leave her alone and then she would go and b**** about me to everyone else (i've had experience of this as i've tried to talk to her before).


I just don't know what to do, i don't want to break friends with "S" as she is one of my best friends, but i don't want to be pushed out either. Anyone else been in a similar situation? What did you do?


Once again, sorry about the longness and confusingness of the story. Thank you.

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Not sure what you should do, like you say, you don't have much time left together before you leave anyway.


I would talk to S and find out what's going on. If she chooses not to answer and continues treating you that way, it's her loss. Give it a try, and if she doesn't respond, you'll at least know that you've done all you could.


I think the main thing you should know is that, this stuff happens in highschool much more than it does out in the "real world." I only graduated three years ago, but trust me, once you leave, the friendships you make, "feel" different. People tend to grow up (not all, unfortunately) and stop b*tching to others and try to solve problems with the people who are actually involved. They also don't blatantly ignore you and make situations so dramatic. Once you leave, you'll realize which highschool friends you want to keep, and which ones simply aren't worth your time. It becomes different when you don't have to see them everyday, and you don't have to share the same group of friends. The main thing is, you don't have to see anyone you don't want to, do anything you don't want to, or be friends with everyone just to keep things peaceful.


You should really try to talk to her and if she won't give you an explanation and continues acting that way, ask yourself, is the friendship really worth that much effort?

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I know, i can't wait to leave! Means i won't have to see some of the people i REALLY dislike or the ex bf! I'm just going to let this thing with "S" ride out and see what happens. All girls are b*tches. She may have just been having one of those days. If not, well, like you said, her loss. I've got better and truer friends than her.

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