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Help! I think I messed all out!

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I don't know if this really belongs to this forum, but this is my situation.

Currently I'm visiting this place that I came for business or vacation every one to two months. Every time I came in the past I get together with this friend who is really a very good person. He is handsome too.


I came again this time and got together with him, he confessed to my friends that he really liked me a lot and two days ago we hold hands and after going out we got together to his apartment.


Nothing further than some hot kisses happened. But it felt so weird because when I left we didn't just say anything. Then I left my glasses there and I called the next day.


When he returned my call he laster that day asked me to go to his place to pick my glasses.


I was really very confused because being with him really turn on many feelings in me. I know I'm leaving tomorrow and coming back here until May. When I saw him he suggested to get together the next day to do somthing with his friends. I agreed. However he never called yesterday.


As thinking about that, When I saw him after him telling me about going to the beach with his friends, I told him that I was very nervous when we got together but that I didn't wanted to ruin the friendship. But really because I didn't knew what we are now or how to behave being around him, my culture and his culture (he is from the U.S) are very different, and then, after pondering about that being the reason of him not calling me back yesterday I made a search in the web about it. And it says that when someone says that is not attracted to the other person.


I'm feeling so bad! I really like this guy and I don't want to leave without telling him anything or not seeing him... I know I might run into him in the gym maybe today... but I don't know.


I know I made a mistake by telling him that, and would like to do something about it. It is a torture because I have feeling for him and I know he have them for me.


What can I do??

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Well if you think that he may have misinterpreted your feelings, then I definetly would sit down and tell him what you're feeling, especially if it'll be awhile until you see him next.


Try and be calm, and just let him know that you're interested in him. Ask him for his thoughts as well.


Take care.

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So, he asked you to hang out and stood you up by never calling?


Some females will probably tell you, "he's just not that into you." It's too early to say that though.


From here on out, DO NOT tell him how you feel. I repeat, do not tell him how you feel. Don't do it. Forget about it - you're better off telling the wall how you feel about him. It's ok to tell him something along the lines of how you feel, such as, "I like hanging out with you," "you make me feel good when we're together" or otherwise similar line. Blatently coming out with your feelings though is not only selfish but foolish. It removes all doubt.


Don't worry about not seeing him today or tomorrow. You'll be back in May so it's not a "now or never" situation. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. If you talk to him or see him between now and your departure, simply tell him, "I had fun hanging out with you. Maybe I'll see you in a few months...if you're lucky."

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well I thought about asking him for what his thoughts are, I mean I know I'll be back but I don't want to feel ackward when I see him again... if you know what I mean because we are at the same building.


I left him a message to see if I could see him today to tell him something in person. Maybe this is not something I would normally do, but I don't want to go back feeling that I could have done this or that... that feeling is awful.


I'm more calm and definitively will not tell him my feelings... but I want to know what are his thoughts, see what his reaction is from asking him.... because maybe I'm just making a whole storm in a glass of water. But knowing this would definitively will not let me into a sea of torture for a month or so.


Do you think this is foolish?

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