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My best friend has told me that she never wants to be my friend, ever, ever, ever, again and this is after 5 years of solid best-friendship.


This is because I've been acting very insensitive and and well...stupid over the past couple of weeks and done things to upset her and failed to apologize until days later.


But the thing is...I've been going through a lot of greif and sadness in my homelife ... And this has made me 'emotionally unstable' & I havent been thinking straight.


Should I bother explaining this to her?

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This is one of those things that while you could have been a better friend or whatever, she should understand that you are feeling pain in your homelife. Sometimes it's ok to be selfish when you need to work things out through your life.


You should talk to her. If she doesn't understand, then clearly, she's no better of a friend than you are. And that's not to say that you are a bad friend.. but obviously you could have done some things better.


Friendship can be a strange thing. And it's important that you both want the same things from each other. Friends are supposed to be there for each other. And they also need to be understanding.


But you know what, you deserve friends who can understand the times when you just aren't being yourself. It's not very fair to just say you don't want to be friends with someone who you have been friends with for 5 years. If she doesn't want to try to understand it from your point of view, maybe you should just find better friends.


But I still think this is something you should try talking to her about. Cause then at least you tried.

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She may just be upset at the moment, and just needs a day or two to cool down, but yes try to explain to them what is wrong and why you did whatever it was. Then if she isn't big enough to accept your apology then that's the way things go sometimes.

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if you value the friendship and you know that you were in the wrong, then you should not only apologize again, but explain why you've been acting that way. just saying sorry alone sometimes doesn't help but with a reason it why may. if she values you as a friend, she will understand and you guys can work things out.

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i think when you're bestfriends with someone like you are with her...you don't need to feel like you need to pretend that everything's ok...and sometimes without meaning to you take out your anger or emotions on the person who is closest to you. she has probably noticed that something was wrong but feels like she's had enough...i'm sure she doesn't mean it though and now she feels just as angry...probably because you haven't confided in her about what has been upsetting you.


just try and explain to her and apoligise, i'm sure things will be ok.


all the best

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