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"Meant to be"..what do you guys believe?

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Hey everyone,


As I'm going through my breakup and struggling as we all are or have I am sitting here with guilt wondering had I done this or that would we still be together? A lot of family and friends tell me that it was written/meant to be this way and nothing I could have done would have changed it because this was the meant end result. Also in terms of a spiritual perspective others are saying that a higher power/God if you will allowed for this to happen for whatever reason. A friend told me to today "THINK LONG-TERM"..which made me feel stronger because although we all are going through this and supporting eachother it is only in the now and not forever..just thought I'd share that I thought it was insightful and hopeful. Nevertheless, I am just wondering what is everyone else's thoughts out there regarding this meant to be stuff...do you believe in it from your experiences that it is pre written/destined to happen as part of your life...would be interesting to see what others out there believe based on their life circumstances.

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I know it may sound a bit corny but I believe that there is 1 person out there for you. You guys are destined to meet and although thier may be some bumps along the road if it is true it will happen. Love is a great thing, once someone experiences it you cant live without it.

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Do I believe in fate?


No. Why? Because as NEO put it, (excuse the lame Matrix reference) Id like to think Im in control of my own destiny. In other words, the decisions we make definitely do change the direction of our lives, and shape our future. Like an artist's work in progress.


Now I know others would argue that those decisions that we have made and are going to make, are pre-deterimined by 'fate'. This isn't a philosophy thread though, so lets not get too involved


In my opinion, if we dont take responsibility for our actions, past/present, good/bad and simply label them as things that happened because they were meant to.. takes any and all deeper meaning out of the consequences. Why analyze or even question anything then?


In the context of relationships, and the much debated question of is he/she the ONE? Well, all I have to say is NO. Only NEO is the one!!!


But seriously, I believe that we are able to love deeply for many people. There cant be just ONE person that will peak our emotions. True love CAN happen more than once. I've been there. And though at this moment, I feel as though Ive never loved anyone as much as I do now, I remember feeling the same way 5 years ago with another woman. It is silly to compare the two, because they are separate people, at a different time in my life, and I am even a different person than what I was.


As sad as it makes me feel, If the woman I love more than life right now, becomes more distant and fades away from me, I am confident, that some time, I will love again.

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Jjasons28,You hit it right on the head,That is exactly how I feel about everything.Exactly...

I used to believe in fate and all that fairy tale nonsense but if you take time to really think about it all, it just doesnt add up.You have to be proactive in your search for a mate and if you get them you have to stay on your toe's.If you get lazy or complacent the relationship will probably fall apart.

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And just to add something else here..


I DO believe everything happens for a reason. But it is up to us individually to try to find understanding and meaning in WHY things happen. I think those who ignore the questions are leading themselves blindly in (dare I say) ignorance in that they are traveling a pre determined path. I dont mean to offend anyone by that.


I personaly cant fathom the idea that I am a pawn in life. That my direction is determined by somone/something else other than me. I am the chess player. I will play the game, learn from mistakes, take note of success and hopefully, (fingers crossed) come out on top. If the winner has already been decided... why bother playing??

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