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ok i wrote about this guy before and i really don't know what to do. here's what happened. i started at this job. he was really into me and asked me out. i laughed and said no because i am shy and just met him (even though i liked him)


after that he stopped talking to me. we started talking again a couple months later and i gave him my number and asked him if he'd wanna hang out. a couple days later he called me and we had a drink. that was a tuesday. he didn't pay for my drink. but he walked really far to get to the bar and was really nervous.


i worked with him friday and saturday and both days i ignored him at work (cause i didnt want ppl to know what was up) and he asked me if i'd wanna hang out both days, but it didn't happen. (cuz there was nothing to do, we were tired etc.) than on sunday he got pissed and left without saying bye. i called him that night and we had some more drinks. i told him i was going home for the week for spring break. he didn't call me all week after that.


on friday the next time i worked with him he mentioned going to a bar but i ignored him cuz i was pissed he didnt call me. he might not have called me cuz i told him i was going home for break so he knew we couldn't hang out. when i said i was leaving he was sad and said off guard "youre leaving".


we worked together saturday and sunday. he flirted with me today before i left. i dont know what to do or think.


also he has mental problems, he used to have panic attacks and he sees a shrink once a week. he was a child actor on some tv show so he has some problems. he's sensitive, so when i was mean to him/ignored him i think it might have really hurt his feelings.


he acts like he likes me, but he hasn't called me. when i call him to hang out he walks 10 blocks to get there and is really nervous. what should i think?


should i call him and ask him if he likes me or not and if he likes me why doesn't he call me. i really really like him and want to call him and tell him how i feel.


should i do this? or should i play it cool and hope he calls me?


i'm not ugly or desperate i'm very attractive.


i would only call him to clarify how i feel cuz i sent him so many mixed signals and he's really insecure to start with.




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Sounds like you are putting WAY too much time, thought and energy into this guy you've merely had drinks with. You haven't even "dated'.....relax.


My advice: Stop worrying about whether he calls you or not.

You are investing FAR too much energy into this guys opinion of you.

If he's "insecure" it's not YOUR job to prove anything to him. That's not your issue.

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