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Thinking about breaking no contact...after 4 wks!

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Hey guys, heres my update but if you want to recall this is what occurred:



basically, its been over for 6 weeks, havent spoken for almost 4 wks...his mother has been very much in my face about some jewelry sent over from europe when we got engaged cuz she wants to give it back to her relatives..anyways, I dont feel that I am obligated to send until I am ready...although she seems to think I am sending them even though I never said I would...I just went along...the way he left...upped and moved back to his city behind my back and I had to practically beg for an explanation which I got bits and pieces from his moms and then from him 2 weeks later when I had to politely email him and ask him to call me....thats crap...anyways...I am dieing...its hurts still and I am not working yet but will go back soon...really messed me up cuz he was my fiancee and best friend and just like that shut me out...so I am thinking of emailing him this:


Hey whats up. We need to talk, something has come up. Your mother by the way is insistant with the whole jewelry thing and has continuously been calling us for them. I dont care nor want the jewels it is strictly materialistic and you yourself know I have enough jewelry to open my own store and if I want something I get it, however, I wish I would be given the respect to heal as you also have not been contacted by anyone in my family...and let me send when I'm ready and have time to do so...its not very pleasant to be pushed now is it.I have been very busy and not been in the city nor have I had the time to take care of the jewels..you know how it goes...nevertheless I'll send the jewels in due time once we speak.Peace.


I would contact him but dont have his number...he strictly wants to heal supposedly and wants no contact...but I still feel angry and want to talk and have some more closure...anyways, I know I sound weak but could use some advice rite about now with all of this because I think if I break the nc it might not be good...but then it might get him thinking...please help

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If they were a gift, it's up to you to decide if you want to give some, or all, of them back and when you do it. You may not have had any control about how this relationship ended, but in this you do. Allowing yourself this little bit of control, could go some way, in helping you start to right your world and move forward. Send them back, or not, when you feel ready. Don't let anyone push you into anything until it feels like the best thing to do, for you.

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