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Locations to have sex for the first time?

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Hey guys, my girlfriend and I have been going out for a long time and we've both wanted to have sex for some time now. We've agreed to wait for when the opportunity comes up. The problem is that with parental oversight and whatnot, it's difficult to find a time and a place to take the time and make it a quality first-time lovemaking for both of us. She'll get her driver's liscense in a couple months and mine will come shortly afterwords thankfully. Also, we've both said we wouldn't want to do it at a party because that's not romantic. We're both deeply in love and we'd like to lose our virginity together in a special way. Can anyone share personal experience or give suggestions? The parental oversight is the main problem.


I know that some of you won't agree with my decision to have sex, but all I'm asking for is for an answer to my question. Thanks!

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hmm. Sounds like it's actually serious and you have both put a lot of thought into it and are being mature about it. Take it from me, wait until you can find a good place that will have meaning later on. The first time I had sex was in a dumpster at the factory behind my house in snow. Not a good place for my first time but I had fun lol.


Just wait for the right time and place and it will happen when you're ready and the time is right.

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Well if you can't wait, I would suggest just trying to have her come over if there is anytime you know your parents won't be home.


I don't think it would be very comfertable for her if it's in a car. She is most likely going to cry and should be laying down on a bed. You don't want any blood getting on the seat of her or your car.


Just try and make it a place that is comfertable and private. I do think you are going to have to just wait till your parents are gone.

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Keep in mind its going to hurt her at least a bit -- I lost mine on the floor of a friends house (while 3 other people slept beside us... ahhhh!!) And thinking back on it... I remember what I would have done to make the experience a little bit more comfortable, like, at least have a BED. lol.


Its so sweet that you two want to do it somewhere romantic and special though, hehe =D


I shagged in the shower once, it was quite fun Not really so romantic as just fun/kinky though...hmm. Do you live anywhere near the beach? I always thought that would be an awesome place to do it (at night, of course), haha =o And could be romantic too.... ok. I suck at ideas. LOL.

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hmm. Sounds like it's actually serious and you have both put a lot of thought into it and are being mature about it. Take it from me, wait until you can find a good place that will have meaning later on. The first time I had sex was in a dumpster at the factory behind my house in snow. Not a good place for my first time but I had fun lol.


Just wait for the right time and place and it will happen when you're ready and the time is right.






wow......i have to ask, how the hell did that happen??

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I lost mine in my best friends bed room. He was so kind as to offer his room for the evening..


From there it went from cars, to other friends beds.. to parents houses, to her parents house, to beaches, hotels, and dressing rooms in the malls...


Just wait, it'll come in time when the opportunity is right.

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