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Hi everyone.


Just wondering if anyone knew of any good books to read that will help you towards healing/letting go and moving on.


This site is great but i dont have internet access at my home and when it comes to the evening when the kids are in bed and im alone thats when 'thoughts' creep up and keep me awake ](*,)


So anything uplifting? Short stories? Self help books..

What helped you ,if anything?


The only book i have is the John greys 'moving on'...Has anyone read that?


Thank you if u could help

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i would actually recommend books that don't necessarily have much to do with moving on. they can distract you, and take you to another place for a little while. self help books are okay, but after a while they can just keep reminding you of all your problems...

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Hi everyone.


Just wondering if anyone knew of any good books to read that will help you towards healing/letting go and moving on.


This site is great but i dont have internet access at my home and when it comes to the evening when the kids are in bed and im alone thats when 'thoughts' creep up and keep me awake ](*,)


So anything uplifting? Short stories? Self help books..

What helped you ,if anything?


The only book i have is the John greys 'moving on'...Has anyone read that?


Thank you if u could help


yes. there is a book called "The Journey from Abandonment to Healing" by Susan somthing or other. i can't remember her last name but i read that book and i thought it was specifically written for me!


I wasn't "cured" after reading it, but it did help me see why i was feeling the way i did and offers suggestions on how to cope. This book did help but again, it wasn't like i was completely moved on after reading it. only time can help that.


i got it at barnes & noble if that helps.

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A read a book 5 years ago that changed my life, and I'm reading it again now. It's called "Are you the one for me?" by Barbara D'Angelis.


Helps you to understand the types of people who have been in your life and the signs of people to avoid. Lets you understand yourself and the patterns of habits may have when choosing mates.

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Thank you for all your replies!


Im just looking at some reviews for The Journey from Abandonment to Healing i will definitely be purchasing that one.


I have the one by barbara d'angelis and its a real good read i let someone borrow it though so im gonna have to get that back!

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