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Im getting comfort out of her relationship prblems

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I just thought I would post my thoughts here. There not very nice or tastefull thoughts. But recently my ex has been having problems with her new bf (that she got with soon after we split and really hurt me). Well he is my mate again now. These problems are identicle to the ones I encountered. And I am finding comfort in the relationship going downhill. I am also happy for them at same time. I gues this is just as I am now beginning to realise it wasnt all my fault we broke up. As if Identicle problems are happening they are probably due to the other half, which is what all ym friends said. Well thats all I had to say.



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I agree, don't worry about it. Most of us relish the fact that our exes are going through relationship troubles, especially if we were the dumpees. My ex dumped me and I honestly can't wait for the day that someone dumps him and he feels what I went through. I'm not out for revenge, I'm not going to do anything to make that happen...but I'd be lying if it wouldn't make me happy.


It's really good that you're starting to see your past relationship from different sides now though. It's always nice to know it wasn't you. Plus, it's a reason why you're finding comfort in their problems, not only because you're happy she's suffering or what not. Good for you~!

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HAHA okay cool. Im actually trying to help him (or said I would give him advice) as well he is a friend now. And I ahted what happened to me, and he is now starting to live the same hell. Really he would be better off dumping her right now as things can only get worse, and she will dump him.

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Yeah, you're doing a good thing. Maybe he'll be better off dumping her, but it's not your place to push that. If you do, you're gonna end up being the bad guy and it might end up that he resents you for it. Might as well be the good friend trying to help him...then if the relationship ends (seems like it will) you will have only tried to help, making you the better person.

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Yeah don't worry thats what im doing, I wouldnt ever try nd break anyoneup unless I really knew like they were using the other person or something. So all im doing right now is offering my support. AMde him feel abit guilty though, he is always like I am soo lucky your still my mate, most guys would have punched me climbing over them to get a gf. And all that sort of stuff hehe. I HAVE THE POWER.



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