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i love her but she already has a boyfriend

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it all started my junior year in high school. i was sitting next to this girl. at first i thought that i didnt have a chance of liking her and there was no way she would ever like me. well a semester passes by and i get to talk to her and get to know her. i kind of start to like then but still thought never. about middle semester her boyfriend breaks up with her and i am the only one she talks with about it for like 3 weeks. i felt like i was a really special part of her life for her to talk to me and not her closes friend (s). i started to like her alot then. by the end of the year i have all these feelings for her so i say to her " you have been my bestfriend this year and helped me get through alot". then before i could say anything else she says "thank you alot, jerry. where would i be without you. you know more about me than anyone." thats when i knew that i have fallin in love with her. so two days later i tell her how i really feel about her. we go outside and thats where i spill my heart to her. she had a little spark in her eye for a second. so we go inside and she told me that the night before she got asked out by this other guy. what should i do???? i cant forget about her because she means more to me than life itself.

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Uh, madcat... She doesn't like you like that. It's not really about the other guy at all. She avoided the question with something sugar-coated.


This type of thing happens all the time to the best of guys. It's the way some women deal. They get a nice-guy to talk about it with. This can confuse the hopeless romantic type. Sometimes we look for it too hard and/or in the wrong places. Don't sweat it, that's the game. You give it a shot and see if she accepts. Great job madcat, but you're shooting blanks at this one.


If you keep having feelings for her she's going to get annoyed and distance herself. Women say they want a guy that listens, but all that really means is they want "their" guy to listen. You are not that guy for this lady. I know you've liked her for a long time going, but learn from it. There is more then one compatible lady out there for you.


Don't be like me and dwell over her and build her up in your head like that. When I finally dated my dream girl for 2 years running, she couldn't understand why I liked her so much. In part it scared her away.


Be yourself, if you can't do that around her then distance yourself first before she does. Who knows, she could come back way down the road. But right now you are a friend to talk to, not her romantic.


Find a lady that fits you, don't try to fit her. Trust me if a girl is into you she will make it easy on you.

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The thing about woman that open up to guys (and they still have a b/f) are usually the ones that u dont want to take too seriously. Together u and her b/f provide her with everything she needs: u - the mental and emotional and her b/f - the physical. So dont feel bad she was just using u for an ego boost because her b/f was treating her like crap. I would say stay friends with her if u want to but dont expect anything more than that. Good luck


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Hang in there chap, be a good friend but don't get your hopes up that you'll get together with her. If is possible to have a girl who is a friend, hard for us guys to come to terms with sometimes but it is possible I assure you!


You have opened up to her, thats ok its not a bad thing, its a good thing. Girls like the intimate talking, so if you really care for her be her friend. One day she'll help you find your love, who ever it is.

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look check this, this girl is just a friend and i have been there man i thought it was in love and all that good stuff but its not its infatuation you just got to get over it and live the truth and trust me you can live with out her I did it wasnt easy but i did and maybe she did have a lil spark in her eye you can try to see where that lil spark takes you but shes not about to break up with a guy she just got with and it helps if you help your self before you help others. Ohh and trust me if you a good guy like me then trust me it will be a while till you find a girl thats going to come around and treat you the way you would like but give it time cuz time will bring the greatest things ya just got to relax and wait and dont look or try too hard cause it makes it worse so live your life meet all the girls ya can and thats no joke

keep it real and chill bro im out

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