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Please help im stuck in the middle, drawn between 3 friends. !

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Well basically encase you have forgotten this is a sum up of everything that happened.


1. Two friends Joe and Lucy were going out.

2. Joe Cheated on Lucy with my best mate Rach

3. Joe broken up with Lucy but I don’t know what Rach and him plan to do.

4. I'm trying to comfort Lucy, but Rach is feeling really bad and pissed off with me for some reason.

5. Joe told people that Rach came onto him and initiated it all, but that’s a lie because he text her and told her to come over and it seems he planned it all.

6. People have been stirring roumers saying stuff about it all and bending the truth that they somehow found out.

7. I had to put these people strait, but me doing that is what I think has pissed Rach off, but I'm sure she would prefer them knowing the truth rather than thinking she is low life scum hussy.


I have decided though Lucy is getting a lot of support so even though I don’t agree with what Rach has done. I'm going to support my best mate as she is finding this all very hard as well, she not really said a word all day at school. But she is pissed off with me, so do you think phoning her is the best idea? As I have never actually phoned her for a chat before do you think I should start now?


Also I went down the pub to set Lucy strait that her BF was not all he was cracked up to be and was as much to blame as Rach as all blame is on her at the moment. So I was trying to make things better for both of them, then when I got back Rach was in a foul mood with me. WHAT DO I DO?


Ohh and this all happened when they were very very drunk. I spent 20 min trying to talk her out of going to his. But in the end she just ran off. 20 Min later I got a phone call telling me to go over for pancakes (2am) so I did. As they had already been kissing and that I left it for abit, also I was very drunk so wasin not fit state to see complete reason or I would not have even let them kiss when I got there. But I eventualy before they could go any further because it was wrong. Picked her up and carried out of the house back to hers. Thats why im so stuck in this.


EDIT : Sorry about bad language, was a mistake putting it in there as I copied it from what I said toa friend, ohh and its removed now.

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I would support the one who was wounded in this Lucy!


But I would also talk to Rach and Joe, and tell them no hard feelings. That is if you wantt o remain friends with them!


I would just tell Rach what she did was wrong, a real friend wouldnt have done that!

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a real friend wouldnt have done that!
A real friend would not have done what? and who are you talking about me or Rach?


And I have told her what she has done wrong and she feels terrible about it. But she has no one right now thats why I feel I have to stand by her.

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A real friend would not have done what? and who are you talking about me or Rach?


And I have told her what she has done wrong and she feels terrible about it. But she has no one right now thats why I feel I have to stand by her.



Rach...and if you feel you should stand by her than do it! and I was referring to "a real friend, wouldnt steal another friends boyfriend"

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Lemme give you a little tip... stop sticking your nose in their business. Have you ever heard the saying "Don't shoot the messenger." before? Well, you sticking your nose in this is making you the messenger. You're spreading all this bad news, and someone is going to get mad at you - "shoot you" so to speak.


It also makes you look like you have no respect for people's privacy. It's nosey at best, and back-stabbing at worst. Me? I'd tell them "Hey, I'm not getting involved." Yes, it seems cold hearted but they are your friends, not your therapy patients. The best thing I think you could do would be to not discuss it with anyone and just hang out (unless they bring it up!)

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I am not back stabbing, I havnt spread anything. Some kid has spread all the rhoumers about them, and everyone is calling her the hussy. Saying its all her fault, which it is not. I simply have said the truth of the matter that she is not as bad as they all saying, and she wasnt lying on the floor naked she was clothed and things along those lines.


Plus everyone keeps asking me what has happened and I always tell them "I cant say its a secret", so I am not giving anything away.


Besides im not really sticking my nose in I was there.


I think you could do would be to not discuss it with anyone and just hang out (unless they bring it up!)
Thats exactely what I have been doing, and I dont spread things or tell anybody whats being going on anyway, unless they know a warped version of the story which they and all others believe to be true and reflects on Rach badly.
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I didn't say you WERE a backstabber, I was warning you that someone might accuse you of it. You know that elemetry school game where everyone lines up in a row, and then the teacher tells the first kid a sentence, and then each kid tells the one next to them? By the time you get to the end the sentence is TOTALLY different. All I am saying is that if you get involved in any way, someone is going to misunderstand what you said, spread it around, and it *might* come back different than what you said, and make you look *really* bad.


You don't want that, do you?


That's why you stay out if this, even if people are wrong. At most, I would tell those "wrong" folks something like "You don't have a clue what you're talking about." and leave it at that.

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Suppose I should really. Thanks From now all I do is tell them they have no clue whats going on, and well just look out for her and make sure Rach is ok. Aswell as Lucy.


But I don't understand whats going on now, im not going to talk to people about this. But this bloke he is generally a really really nice guy not the sort you think would cheat. But he convieniently made sure his friend who would stop them cheating could not come back to the house, he also had a new pack of condoms downstairs that was convieniently ready like he planned it. Fortunately I stopped things before they did happen. Especialy as she is still a virgin. So looks like he was using her. But he has now come out and says he loves her, and has loved her for years all through this 1 yr 3 month relationship with his ex which he loved. I not going to say anything to others unless I feel she going to get hurt (she was too drunk to remember). But I really dont understand this guy. He flips from one extreem to anouther

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