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Can genital warts just disapear?

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Hi there, I have a quick question. I have a very close friend who unfortunately recived genital warts from a cheating bf last year around September (that is when she noticed them). I went with her to the doctor in October and confirmed it. She received some cream medication "Aldara" and supposedly they were gone by Mid november. Recently my friend has just begun to date my brother. And as horrible as this sounds, my first thought was her warts. She says that they can just disappear and she is clear forever. Is this true? Supposedly since they cleared up in November, she has not got any more. This is great news. Is it true that after 6 months of being clear she is no longer infected? Thanks.

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I hate to be blunt about this...


They're never gone. They're always in your body, always in your system. They may symptomatically be gone (i.e., you don't see any warts) but technically, you still have them.


altosinger is absolutely correct. She can and likely will pass the virus to your brother if they have intercourse. FYI, a condom will not protect against transmission of HPV. The good news is the serotypes of HPV that manifest as warts USUALLY are not the serotypes that are linked to cervical/penile cancers.


Your friends needs to be educated about her condition. Please pass this along. link removed

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wow. ok thanks.... I guess now I just dont know what to do. We are really good friends. Should I tell my brother? It isn't my place...maybe I will just urge her to talk to him before they become sexually active. It is just hard because she is sure that they are GONE because they haven't appeared in months.

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They're never gone. They're always in your body, always in your system. They may symptomatically be gone (i.e., you don't see any warts) but technically, you still have them.


This is correct.


You are definitely in a sensitive situation. I think you should talk to your friend, and let her know you did some checking and discovered that condition does *not* simply go away. Condoms also aren't a sure fire way of preventing HPV. Anyone she has sex with has a chance (although a reduced one if safe sex is practiced) of getting HPV from her, and she needs to inform all of her potential partners about this beforehand. I think you should give her a chance to tell your brother, but if she doesn't then you should.

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in most cases i wouldn't advise this, but she may not tell your brother.. and she may not be being truthful with herself. he needs to know before he catches it as well


It would be very unethical for your brother to not know about her infection if he were to engage in intercourse with her. If noone informs him, both you and her, could be taken to court and sued. I am not saying he would do that, but you and your friend both know that he could "sustain injury" from this action, and if he is not fully informed it is a malicious act. Please check out the forum below.


Bottom line, someone should tell him so that he can make an informed decision about his own health and wellbeing.


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