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Got burned once too many

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I think I'm going to take my leave from the world of relationships and dating and such. I'm tired of being disappointed (ie. burned, being pushed into the friend zone, the list goes on). I've been through so many 'friends' that it's ridiculous. Sometimes I don't think I'm attractive, or I just don't have 'it' when it comes to women. I'm a nice guy, so I get the backburner, because I'm not a hard a**. I just started trying to be social when I got to college last year, now a year later, it has not brought me anything. I'm still alone.

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you are 19. you are young. don't be hard on yourself. be patient. it will come around when it is right... yes, enjoy these relationships for what they are, take them as opportunities to learn from women about their likes and dislikes so that when you do find the woman you want you will have a greater understanding of how she ticks. everyone has their own tune they tick to, but there are still things you can learn from other women...

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Coming at it from another angle, I'm almost 18 and I havnt been single for about 1.5 years, 2 years, something like that.


Yeah, sometimes it is amazingly good and at the moment, Ive got a great guy, etc. But it IS a lot of effort to maintain a good relationship and sometimes yes, its overrated, and it doesnt solve all your life problems..start seeing a relationship as a nice extra bonus, not a crucial part of, life.

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Yeah, I agree with all of the above. I'm curerntly taking some "me time" and it's great! There is nothing to worry about, you don't have to impress, you can relax! I believe guys (or girls in your case) will appear when you least expect it. You are only 19- plenty of time!



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