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To date or not to date?

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well i broke up with my long term bf of two years about 5 weeks ago, it wasn't a bad break up but i obviously was upset. Now a guy has asked to see me this tomorrow and i have said yes. We are sort of friends but i'm not that attracted to him. He has a lovely personality and i suppose he is ok looking, but i do'nt see that special spark that i thought people were meant to feel?

Do you think that this is such a good idea, i mean i like him definitely as a friend and possibly for something more. I think the trouble is we don't know a lot about each other because we are not close friends and don't talk too often.

Has anyone else been in this situation?

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I think if you aren't necessarily attracted to him, going on a date may be pointless.


But it's good that you're putting yourself out there again. You're moving on!


Even if this date doesn't go anywhere, you still got out there.


You may realize, however, that you'll want to be on your own for a while...after 2 years, even 5 weeks is nothing. It's better to give yourself some me time and figure out what you want in a relationship before jumping the gun.

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It's not pointless. As long as you tell him you just got out of a serious relationship and aren't ready for another right now, if he's cool with hanging out like this with you, it'll be good for you I think to get to know someone new. Who knows where it will lead, but just don't focus on where "it" will lead and go out and have fun...you might make a really good friend in the process...

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