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Lonely 26 year old going nowhere

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I'm a bit fed up to say the least. I'm 26 years old and have a full time job. I have one friend who I met in college 5 years back and we meet up now and again but we're not best buddies and other than that I have very little. I get on well with one guy in work but he's more outgoing than me and likes sports (especially football) which is a huge bonus in my workplace as him and a few other guys talk a lot about it. I feel my interests (which are quite nerdy) are ruining my life as they're stopping me meet new friends and if I was interested in sport I'd be a lot more popular and have friends but at the same time it would probably be mostly pretence for me.

I stayed in touch with one guy from school but we drifted apart and apart from that one guy from college I have no-one. I stupidly thought it would be easier in work to make new friends but everyone seems to have their own set group. The guy I get on with has his own group of friends he's had since early school days and doesn't want to integrate me into that and that's typical of most people I meet. I can understand that but it's still depressing. Add to that my interests and I'm going nowhere and feel quite lonely.

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Just wondering, is this a brand new job? Maybe it'll take some time...acquaintances usually become friendships over time if there's some effort put into it. I was just reading a book that explained that if you want to make friends, find out what their "needs" are and see if you can offer any assistance, usually that's how great friendships start, when you help out someone...also, just talking to people about what their interests are (who doesn't like talking about themselves) can start communication rolling.

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How long have you worked at your new job? Usually it takes time to get to know people and make friends. Even if you aren't interested in sports, I am sure there are other things you find interesting, that they might, too. And I'm wondering to, what makes you so sure what you like is nerdy? It can't be that bad. Just have patience.

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I know how you feel and I'm not even out of college yet. I don't think I've made any new friends here in college the whole time I've been here. All I have is about 200 acquaintances. I don't have anyone to hang out with after class /clubs/etc. or even during the weekend. I am usually alone most weekends. In fact, I am right now. So you're not alone. I wish I had some advice but I don't.

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Mainly sci-fi and geeky stuff like that - not things you can own up to. I'd be laughed out of the room if I brought something like that up. There's a lot of footie talk during the day and I just have to sit there and just look on while they all talk about it. My friend in work has also agreed to meet up with another guy in work to play a game of squash so that's another thing they can do together that I will be left out on. I've worked in my current job for around 2 and a half years; about a year and a half with the people I'm with now. The other thing that's bothering me with work is my main friend in work and I get on best when it's just the two of us - virtually all the banter (quite often tongue in cheek insulting stuff) just doesn't happen when there's others around. If in the future we stay in touch but the only times we meet up is when there's others from work around (including this other guy who's quite an extrovert) then I may as well pack the friendship up here and now because I won't get a look in.

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