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Ive Been Hurt To The Max....i Cant Take It Anymore

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Oh bud, I am so sorry to hear that you found all this out now. It's so hard to hear that, and so hard to think that she is someone 'unknown' to you.


I can't believe she is so immature and rude to text you, telling you all those hurtful things. Honestly, she has done you a favor by breaking up. She was living a lie with you, and is completely hateful and mean.


Remember friend, she will get what she deserves eventually. We all do...

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I'm sorry you feel that way.


Dang...well ain't that just a kick in the balls. Don'tcha just hate it when they add insult to injury and tell you how much better the other guy is in bed and how much bigger he is. ugggh.


Quickest and nastiest and oldest line in the book sweetie.. I'm sorry.


Personally I don't know why people have to add insult to injury... enough is enough.


Well.... I know you might hate life today. And that things really look like CRAP. But, you'll roll out of this.. you will. And god wiling your next love won't be as callous with your heart. Hopefully you won't be too scarred or jaded to take it all out on her. Not all of us are the same... Not all of us have the morals of an allay cat.



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hey, that must be sooo hard. you're young though (i'm 26), and i can honestly say that i've been there. when i was 17 my gf cheated on me and lied to me... and it hurt like hell, and i never thought that i would heal. but ya know what, life goes on...why? bc it has too, and there are soo many girls out there. if you go to college you'll have nothing to worry about...trust me ...you'll have a field day. besides, think about how immature that wh**re is. youre better than that. my suggestion is to lose her #, block her #, toss pics away, or put in a box somewhere...any thing that reminds you of her...lose it. you'll get there shortly buddy. but be careful, and don't do what i did...don't take her back!!!! not after all that * * * *... she's not gonna change.

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hey IS,


hang in their, and dont put too much emphasis on what she said, maybe she did because she knew it would hurt you, as well as her not telling you in the first place about this other guy, because she knew how you would react. I believe she may have thought she was protecting you by lying.



It will take some time, feel everything, but dont react to the anger, just feel it. And let it go.


be well


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Hi IS, will you quit putting yourself through this, now go NC and thank the stars you got out when you did.


Put it down to experience and find someone that will treat you right.


No point getting angry with her because that's just going to stop you moving on, just let go and get on and enjoy your life without all this negative energy, you don't need it in your life mate.

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wow.. that sucks... i'm sorry for you...


hopefully you are young... you are so young that you'll meet many more people who will feel way better than her, and give you a relationship quality you deserve. At least you won't spend any time thinking about her from now on , right? She's not worth one more minute of your life.

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man, that sucks very much, sorry man but you should completely cut contact with this girl. Very unhealthy for you in my opinion. Don't hate yourself, hate that girl for she can do, whatever she did with you ,to anyone. Change your phone no, remove all darn email, msn contacts. You deserve better!

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Sorry about that... But did you ever for once think that it might be her, not you. I mean obviously this girl has issues for letting go of someone who cared about her. She's playing games, and you're not. And you know what, you'll be the one laughing over her head when her new "F#@ck buddy" tells her to go to hell bc he found a better P*^^*(MEOW). I'm tellin ya, girls that date guys for that reason are with guys that only wants the same. No meaningful relationship, no love, no trust. So she soon will be kicked to the curb! So heads up. You'll be fine

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