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I have been reading these boards only for the past few days now, as my boyfriend recently broke up with me. And I must say I'm amazed at how many people are dealing with these same issues. The questions, comments and crying are all the same...as are the advice and suggestions.


Its amazing to me how many people out here are dealing with the issues of heart break and wondering what to do about it. Its kind of...helpful, knowing we are all in this together in this.


And the truth is, it helps me. Talking to others and listening or commenting on another's situation. Not that it makes the pain go away or makes everything all better...but, at least for me, it has really helped hearing that I'm not the only one feeling this way (people always say this, but its hard to understand and accept)! And its helped hearing the advice, over and over again, but in new and different ways.


I just want to thank you all for sharing your pain and advice. I truly wish you all the best in reuniting with your loved ones. I know that until I do, I'll be here listening, trying to help someone else and gaining support from you all!





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Thank you for that. And that's why we come on here. To hopefully make ourselves and others feel better and to be safe in the knowledge that we're not alone.


In today's society, what with new technology and more opportunities, it really does seem to be harder for us young people to find love and keep it.


I think people are far too keen to opt out of relationships and take the easy option rather than stay and work things out.


I envy my grandparents generation when love, marriage and even friendships meant something and we didn't have to go on the cyper super highway to find our answers or even just a bit of emotional support.


Don't you agree?


Love and hugs,


Goldie xxx

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The fact that we have access to this "super highway" is a blessing. Think about it, during our grandparents' time. Marriage and the people we came into contact with was very limited. So you didn't have the opportunity to experience many different flavours.


The down side to all of that is that most people will continually look for the next, newer and "better" flavour. However, I think that once we have tested the waters and tasted all 31 flavours, we really, truly understand what love and respect are. Things that our grandparents never had a true opportunity to experience.


Could you imagine trying to deal with what you are going through now and having only your parents or few friends to turn to? No real access to books or Internet? Be thankful for what our new world has brought to us. Challenge and diversity = growth and experience.


Just a though, keep the posting up. That's what we're here for.

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