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Survey: What would you do if you were a professor/TA?

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Like I posted in your original post, PLEASE wait until the semester is over until you talk about going for coffee with a TA.


If I was the TA, and you asked me out while you were still in my class, I would say no and avoid you. I'd say no because we are in a student/teacher relationship. I'd avoid you because i don't know you and I would fear a sexual harassment issue.


But once the session is over, heck, I'd go for coffee with you. There would be nothing stopping me. No conflicts of interest.


It'll be worth the wait

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I'd be very concerned about losing my job!


Somebody's bound to see you and then the gossip will start and the information will get back to your boss. Are you willing to take that risk? Don't forget errors of judgement will go on your employment record.

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