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I didn't think it would be so hard....

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My parents got divorced when i was in the 7th grade after 22 years of marriage.

heres my opinion: you have to get out, get out. it is better to be happy seperatly than miserable together. whatever way you tell your kids its not going to make a difference, they are old enough and will understand whats going on, and probable knew before you did that a divorce was coming.

only thing you need to make sure of...do NOT put them in the middle. Use support groups, friends, ect. your kids should not be a shoulder to cry on like i had to be.

good luck!

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Andy Stone,


"Women think men will change and men think women won't"

Don't think you can sit back and expect it to stay together through magic, its a constant process, life is a constant process. You must continue to put the effort in. It doesn't sound like her hubby did and thats not her fault.


I think your comment is SOOO off. She has been married for 20 YEARS, its not a decision she has made lightly.


I think you need to get out and learn just how women and attraction works. Your thinking like a man and that will never help you understand women. If the girl doesn't feel it she doesn't feel it. Its not her fault and its usually the guys. Learn to adapt and you will have all the women you want and a successful relationship. You can't change this so don't try because all you will be is frustrated.


Rock on RMGTaz, like everyone says this is the best thing for you. You need to worry about yourself first so you are healthy enough to worry about other people and help them. Like they have said "its better to be apart and happy than together and miserable" even if its just for the kids. If you have thought through then you have made the right decision


Catch ya

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Another update:


I received an email from him yesterday that pretty much said that, while this isn't what he wants, he understands that I am not coming back and we have to move on. Thank god!!!! We are currently putting together lists of what each of us want and then will head to mediation. It has made this difficult situation much easier. I am in such a good place, emotionally right now. I know thatthere will be potholes to navigate in the coming months, but I have a great support system and will make it through.

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not tryin to hijack this thread....but im just tryin to understand my own situation by following urs....when u said ur feelings aren't the same anymore....do u still think about him sometimes? or miss him? even think about the good times u guys had?.....sorry to inquire into it im just tryin to understand my ex as well....


but on the other note, i relaly cant give u any advice becuz im only 21....but i am really sorry for ur situation....and hope u can make it thro....

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