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Woo, another I'm a loser thread ^_^

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Instead of telling about how pathetic my life is I shall bore you with a short description of my lame self, then complain. Here we go.


First of all, I see myself as a total social loser. Even though I'm still 16 years old (17th birthday next month) and all of you might think it's okay for my age, it's not. If I saw me posting this a year ago I'd totally kick my butt, because then life was incredibly awesome and I actually felt happy. But life has taught me an important lesson that no matter how nice your existence is today, tomorrow it all may be gone. I've got (or had anyway) plenty friends (who are great people too) but there's this one little problem. This September my parents got a totally genius idea of moving, and not your casual city/state move, but get this, we changed countries.


I'm a person who rarely goes out and doesn't like communicating with new people much, I'm a shy bastard. But life was actually forming rather nicely, I met a nice, cute girl, had fun experiences with friends, had really high grades in school, lived in an awesome town and so on. It was perfect. Then one day life decides to slap me and mess everything up. Sweet. We moved to London.


So now I'm a foreign student going to college (UK colleges = year 11 and 12 like in other, normal countries). I don't know a single person there, I feel as if I'm not needed or wanted. As in my existence has no meaning to it. I spend my days inside the house doing nothing but thinking of what I'm missing out on at home. I just, exist. Another problem is that I'm usually an optimistic, energetic person on the outside, but that's just the outter shell, inside I'm totally different, now I always feel sad, I feel as if something is missing, I try to hide it. It does work, but I'm not doing myself any good with this.


I haven't felt happy at all since September. Then more comes in, even though I'm a foreigner, my accent is American (I'm not an American btw) and the wankers make fun of me for that. Problem is, English isn't my native language, so I can't defend myself with words that much, they'll just humiliate me even more. I've made some friends but it just doesn't feel the same. The culture, mentality is so freaking different it's not funny anymore. I also have trouble making relationships, I have no idea how I managed to do it back home, but now I fail. I can't socialize with people here because, as I mentioned before, they're so different I can't even relate. I always get picked on in my economics class, either for my american accent or because I'm the only white person in that class. I'd gladly defend myself. But then again the dumb asses making my life miserable are 21, yes, twenty one. So I'm at a little disadvantage here. I have no idea why the English government allows such age differences in schools. Everything I loved and cared for is now gone. I do go back home on holidays, however it's not the same anymore, now I get treated differently. Whenever someone tries to speak to me I just don't know how to keep the conversation alive. I see myself as a loser, a person with no meaning in life.


So a quick summary:

I moved, lost everyone relationship I had, get treated like a piece of guess what ... Basically I suck. Why am I posting this? No idea. What to do? Force myself to forget about everything and move on? Doesn't work, as hard as I try, it just does not.

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Dude, I'm really sorry thisis happening. That totally sucks and I feel for you.


Maybe you should try to find some of that optimistic person you know you are and make the best of it. You had friends in the states, you can have friends again. Turn on the charm, in other words, be yourself.


Roll with the jokes, laugh at yourself, don't let them get to you. If they see the teasing bothers you, they'll keep doing it.


I think you can turn this around. Just give it a good ol' look at the bright side kind of try and make it fun, somehow. Find something you DO like. London is a great town! A very exciting place to live and what an experience to take advantage of.


I say soak it in while you can, I guess you never know when your parents might decide its time to move some where else!

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Sorry you feel this way man.


I'm 19, an American, and have never moved outside the country, or even the city (though I have traveled around the world before, including a week London). However, from knowing people who have gone through your experience, I can say that you just have to develop a sense of optimism and patience. You're probably going to feel out of place for a while, but you will slowly sink into it, and you will feel part of the group before long. It's not going to happen overnight.


British, or foreigners for that matter, aren't martians who are unfamiliar with human behavior. You treat the British like they are some out of this world breed of people who will never be able to relate to you. They love music just as much as you do. They like movies, a night on the town, chillin' time, etc. Many people share the same interests as you do. You just have to look for it. Sure, some of the customs are different there, but it's nothing you can't pick up and learn, yeah?


It will get better over time, trust me.

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I can totaly relate to everything you're saying Hormone Thief, the same thing has happened to me only I moved to a different area.


You've just gotta find a way of getting back to America somehow. Are there any friends in America you could stay with, until you can afford your own place? You could save some money to travel back there.

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New social circles take a year or so to get established. It seems like it shouldn't take so long, because they happen so gradually when you are growing up and you come from having one to not having one. However, I have moved every year or two for pretty well my whole life and am always in the process of growing new social circles. So, i feel for you.


Your english doesn't seem bad enough at all to not be able to have comebacks to these guys. you seem very humorous. However, if you have problems, just cuss them out in your native language

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