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Who here believes this?

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According to studies it's shown that falling in love is a type of craziness. I'll tell you all why cuz imagine this. You pisture ur significant other as the the lovable prince/beauty queen, but that's really in ur point of view that u get attach to that person, other people don't see him/her the same way as you do.

So who here believes falling in love is a type of natural/instinct craziness??

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So you're assuming people are sane to begin with?


I'm not assuming, it's just based on wut I heard long time. I'm not saying ur gonna all go crazy. But when ur in love with ur partner, do other people see him/her the same way u do?? U get really attached to this person, who's really nothing, just an avearge human.

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In my experience, you see the person for all they can be. You recognize the flaws and problems they have. But you also see who they are deep down, all the good that is in them. You see that they are better then they realize. You realize that those flaws can be fixed and you want to help the person be the best they can be. You also love the person for all of their imperfections.


If that is crazy, then thats cool. We are all a little crazy anyways.

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I'm not assuming, it's just based on wut I heard long time. I'm not saying ur gonna all go crazy. But when ur in love with ur partner, do other people see him/her the same way u do?? U get really attached to this person, who's really nothing, just an avearge human.

Pssst... that was a joke...

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Cite the book or webpage or encylopedia you pulled this information from for me as well; I am eager to learn. I don't disagree it is a mild form (or at least, it can remain mild) of insanity. But I am not one to judge; I am too pessimistic to know whether it is sunny outside, for I only see darkness in the light (shadows).

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