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Our Purpose In Life

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There were many times in my life where I was very depressed and felt that life was pointless. Over the past few years this has really changed as I've devoted myself to search for my purpose in life. I now feel that each of our lives has a specific purpose. I have recently started a image removed where I daily post what I learn about the meaning of life. Please check it out if you are feeling suicidal.

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Very interesting.

Do you feel that it is a good outlet for your own unanswered questions?


Welcome to enotalone, by the way.


Thank you. Writing my thoughts helps me to remember them. If I get depressed I can look back and remember why I'm here. Hopefully what I find as I search can also help others.

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Chris, I think that's very thoughtful. Not only are you healing yourself but offering the lessons of your thoughts and struggles to others. I really like the idea of an open share and free exchange of ideas. Offering your perspective is yet another amazing way to do that. Good for you, and thanks for sharing!

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that is pretty smart! never thought of that. I actually have a journal where i only write my feelings. Better get them all out rather than keeping them in.


But yeah im sure it could help other


I encourage those who are interested to start their own online blog (diary) and get your feelings out. It feels good to let it out, and others need to hear your message.


There is a site by Google called Blogger which is a free blog site. You can register in minutes and get your thoughts online.



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