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i think my friend is gay. how do i tell forsure?

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hey there. I was just wondering how to tell if a friend of mine is gay. It would be no problem if he was its just I cant tell forsure. Some days he'll be skipping and "frolicing" and the next he'll be like touching my arm n stuff. He always comments on fashion as well. I just want to know if he really is or not. If he is i think hes afraid to tell anyone and I wouldnt want him to be offended if I asked him, or he might feel uncomfortable with it. ( especially if he wasnt ) So in conclusion, is there any signs that could help me distinguish this? Thanks a lot ! Muchly Appreciated.


Sincerely, The MJ-Lover !

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I think it would be hurtfull if you would pull him out of the closeth, rather then him making that decision for himself to step out of it. I can't imagine guys touching eachother outside of fighting and punching eachother. That would be vulgar and well 'gay', so he most likely is homosexual, because guys don't participate in fashion talk to 'that' extend.


So just let him be, its probably hard enough for him already to walk around like that. Just care for him as a friend, but don't push him into any position he does not want to be in.

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Kind of hard to decide what your intent is for deciding whether he is gay or not, like others have said if it is strictly a friend thing and you're not bothered by it well then, he'll most likely come out when he is ready and you just let him know that you support the gay matter (if so).


Now on the flip side of this, is if this posted was designed in the matter that you are potentially interested in him and want signs as not to confuse whether he is extremely open or gay and have a chance.


I think that is what needs clarified here, "The Why".

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