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I'm afraid to go to sleep

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I stopped cutting myself about a year ago and everything has been going fine until just about a week ago. We all know what sleep walking is, but I am sleep-cutting. For the past week I would go to sleep and wake up to see a knife in my hand and cuts on my legs (where I used to cut). I am sleep cutting in the same way as I did when I cut myself in my wake. But why am I doing this? Why am I cutting myself in my sleep? I am feeling no stress, no depression anymore, nothing that contributes to one starting to actually cut oneself. So why am I doing this?


Please help. I'm completely terrified of going to sleep.

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I'm not a doctor. I have read a book on the subconscious mind though and it could have a lot to do with that.


You need to clear your head, because your subconscious mind is responcible for all habits. Freud would say "It's all in your head".


You you think negative thoughts, pretty soon your brain will accept them, and you act out on them. Ofcourse you always have a choice, because you know right from wrong.


I imagine sleeping would be a hard time to control your actions though, since your dreams happen in your subconscious.


Talk to someone else about it, and tell yourself you want to stop. Tell your mind that you want sleep and wake up in perfect health. Think possitive.

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Go to a counselor. You need to talk to someone. This is very unusual behavior for someone who used to cut and is not feeling stressed or depressed. Perhaps you are repressing something? Perhaps its just muscle memory, your body is just doing what it did for a long time without you needing to be conscious. I'm no psychiatrist but there could be more than one explanation for your unconscious activities. Get help. The sooner the better.

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