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ok, I haven't really posted in here in awhile.. but there's this person I have really strong feelings for. I'm not sure if I've ever felt this way about anyone, but it just kills me. why can't I get over her? it just hurts so much.. i guess i'm not really asking advice so much as venting. and i've recently found a way to email her and by whats she said, clearly she misinterpreted the email, so i ruined it. that always happens. everytime theres someone i want i always screw it up somehow.. ah well.. any advice? i'm still waiting for a response, and since she usually responds the next day at most, and i dont want to annoy her.. what can i do?

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When you say you found a way to e-mail her...what does that mean? Did she give you her e-mail address? Or did you track it down?


What did the e-mail say? What did she say that gave you the impression she misintrepreted it?


I think if you look at all the components of what is going on here, you may realize on your own what you should do. As for advice or understanding, I think you're going to need to give a bit more details.


You have "strong feelings" for this girl? And you asked why you can't get over her. Have you dated previously?


You said from what she said, you think she misintrepreted the e-mail but then you said you are waiting for a response. I don't really understand.

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What exactly happened? How well do you know this person? What did you write to her? A few details would be helpful.


From the sound of things though, I think you are worrying too much and trying to hard. It doesn't need to be this stressful. Relax, and try to calm down. Take a look at the details of what happened, and you can probably figure out what went wrong, it anything at all. It could just be a misunderstanding or bad timing, nothing you did.

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